Press Release

March 11, 2011
  • Nature & Parks

Public Comments invited regarding the designation of Bueycito anole (Anolis allogus), blue-eyed grass-bush anole (A. alutaceus), and Habana anole (A. homolechis) as Invasive Alien Species

Bueycito anole (Anolis allogus), blue-eyed grass-bush anole (A. alutaceus), and Habana anole (A. homolechis) have been designated as Uncategorized Alien Species (UAS) under the Invasive Alien Species Act. It is prohibited to import a UAS without the pertinent ministers' judgment that the species in question does not have the likelihood of causing adverse effects on ecosystems etc. On receiving the notification of importing Anolis allogus, A. alutaceus, and A. homolechis, the committee of academic experts concluded that they should be designated as Invasive Alien Species.

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