Speeches by the Environment Minister
COP29 Ministerial Statement by ASAO Keiichiro, Minister of the Environment, Japan (November 20, 2024)
Thank you chair. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Republic of Azerbaijan for its efforts in hosting COP29.
The first Global Stocktake decision at COP28 last year, made it clear that global actions in this decisive decade are extremely important to ensure alignment with the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. At the same time, the decision clearly pointed out concrete global actions that parties should take for mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation. Japan has already taken actions given the great importance of this decision.
(Climate Finance)
At this COP, it is expected to reach consensus on a New Collective Quantified Goal or NCQG. Japan has contributed to global efforts on climate finance. Specifically, Japan pledged 70 billion US dollars of public and private support for actions to deal with climate change in developing countries over the five years until 2025, and we are steadily working to achieve this goal.
It is necessary to arrange a framework in which the international community contributes to climate change measures in a cooperative manner. Particularly, contributions from countries with the capacity to do so, and the mobilization of private-sector funds are essential for achieving the 1.5 degree goal. More than 30 years have passed since the UNFCCC was adopted in 1992, and the global economy has changed significantly. The NCQG must take this reality into account.
Japan will actively contribute to discussions with the aim of achieving an ambitious and feasible NCQG decision at this COP.
(Adaptation / Loss & Damage)
As for climate change adaptation, Japan is working to double its support. In addition, Japan is working on the “Initiative to Promote the Development of Early Warning Systems through Public-Private Partnerships in the Asia-Pacific Region”, to deal with loss and damage.
Furthermore, Japan has already contributed 10 million US dollars to the “Fund for responding to Loss and Damage”, which was decided to be operationalized at COP28. We will continue to work toward the early commencement of support by the Fund.
Regarding mitigation, in light of last year's decision on the Global Stocktake, Japan calls on all parties to set economy-wide emission reduction targets including all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories, that are consistent with the 1.5 degree goal, and based on the latest science. We also call on, among other things, major economies to set absolute emission reduction targets. Furthermore, we stress that it is essential to include strong messages to advance mitigation efforts including following up mitigation part of the Global Stocktake decision.
Japan is continuing its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with its current NDC, and net zero by 2050. We also call on parties to aim for our common goal of net zero through various pathways tailored to their national circumstances, while simultaneously achieving decarbonization, economic growth, and energy security.
Japan will immediately formulate its “GX 2040 Vision” based on a comprehensive discussion encompassing industrial structure, industrial location, energy supply, and market creation. We will accelerate our work toward the submission of our next NDC by next February, an NDC that is ambitious and consistent with the 1.5 degree goal.
(Initiative on Cooperative Actions)
However, mitigation is not just about setting ambitious targets in NDCs. It is a continuous activity that is only effective if it is implemented steadily, and targets are achieved. For this reason, Japan announced the “Cooperative Actions for NDC Implementation and Transparency Enhancement” and will promote actions internationally, so that parties can steadily implement mitigation measures based on their NDCs, ensure transparency, and share their progress globally.
The cooperative actions are composed of three pillars. The first is a “Synergy Approach” among net zero, circular economy and nature positive. For example, in Saga City in southern Japan, carbon dioxide emitted from a waste-to-energy facility is collected and transferred to the plant factory next door for vegetable cultivation. The yield of vegetables increased by 1.5 times as a result.
The second is “Expanding Mitigation through Market Mechanisms”, as we expect a further progress in the development of operational rules for Article 6 at COP29. Japan will accelerate mitigation projects in cooperation with 29 JCM partner countries. The third is “Enhancing Global Transparency on Mitigation” in collaboration with Azerbaijan’s initiative, the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform or BTP.
Under this initiative, Japan will work closely with other parties and pursue implementation of the NDCs and transparency enhancement.
(Article 6 of the Paris Agreement)
Finally, Japan would like to emphasize that the success of this COP requires the decision on the detailed operational rules of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Article 6 is intended for the establishment of a high-quality carbon market, encouragement of mobilization of private finance for decarbonization technologies, and expansion of mitigation efforts worldwide through international cooperation. Japan will contribute to the decarbonization of the world through the Joint Crediting Mechanism or JCM. Now, this is the time to decide on the detailed operational rules at this COP toward global mitigation expansion.
I call upon all parties to work together to bring COP29 to a success. Let us continue our steadfast mitigation efforts toward the 1.5 degree goal. Thank you very much for your attention
Thank you chair. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Republic of Azerbaijan for its efforts in hosting COP29.
The first Global Stocktake decision at COP28 last year, made it clear that global actions in this decisive decade are extremely important to ensure alignment with the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. At the same time, the decision clearly pointed out concrete global actions that parties should take for mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation. Japan has already taken actions given the great importance of this decision.
(Climate Finance)
At this COP, it is expected to reach consensus on a New Collective Quantified Goal or NCQG. Japan has contributed to global efforts on climate finance. Specifically, Japan pledged 70 billion US dollars of public and private support for actions to deal with climate change in developing countries over the five years until 2025, and we are steadily working to achieve this goal.
It is necessary to arrange a framework in which the international community contributes to climate change measures in a cooperative manner. Particularly, contributions from countries with the capacity to do so, and the mobilization of private-sector funds are essential for achieving the 1.5 degree goal. More than 30 years have passed since the UNFCCC was adopted in 1992, and the global economy has changed significantly. The NCQG must take this reality into account.
Japan will actively contribute to discussions with the aim of achieving an ambitious and feasible NCQG decision at this COP.
(Adaptation / Loss & Damage)
As for climate change adaptation, Japan is working to double its support. In addition, Japan is working on the “Initiative to Promote the Development of Early Warning Systems through Public-Private Partnerships in the Asia-Pacific Region”, to deal with loss and damage.
Furthermore, Japan has already contributed 10 million US dollars to the “Fund for responding to Loss and Damage”, which was decided to be operationalized at COP28. We will continue to work toward the early commencement of support by the Fund.
Regarding mitigation, in light of last year's decision on the Global Stocktake, Japan calls on all parties to set economy-wide emission reduction targets including all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories, that are consistent with the 1.5 degree goal, and based on the latest science. We also call on, among other things, major economies to set absolute emission reduction targets. Furthermore, we stress that it is essential to include strong messages to advance mitigation efforts including following up mitigation part of the Global Stocktake decision.
Japan is continuing its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with its current NDC, and net zero by 2050. We also call on parties to aim for our common goal of net zero through various pathways tailored to their national circumstances, while simultaneously achieving decarbonization, economic growth, and energy security.
Japan will immediately formulate its “GX 2040 Vision” based on a comprehensive discussion encompassing industrial structure, industrial location, energy supply, and market creation. We will accelerate our work toward the submission of our next NDC by next February, an NDC that is ambitious and consistent with the 1.5 degree goal.
(Initiative on Cooperative Actions)
However, mitigation is not just about setting ambitious targets in NDCs. It is a continuous activity that is only effective if it is implemented steadily, and targets are achieved. For this reason, Japan announced the “Cooperative Actions for NDC Implementation and Transparency Enhancement” and will promote actions internationally, so that parties can steadily implement mitigation measures based on their NDCs, ensure transparency, and share their progress globally.
The cooperative actions are composed of three pillars. The first is a “Synergy Approach” among net zero, circular economy and nature positive. For example, in Saga City in southern Japan, carbon dioxide emitted from a waste-to-energy facility is collected and transferred to the plant factory next door for vegetable cultivation. The yield of vegetables increased by 1.5 times as a result.
The second is “Expanding Mitigation through Market Mechanisms”, as we expect a further progress in the development of operational rules for Article 6 at COP29. Japan will accelerate mitigation projects in cooperation with 29 JCM partner countries. The third is “Enhancing Global Transparency on Mitigation” in collaboration with Azerbaijan’s initiative, the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform or BTP.
Under this initiative, Japan will work closely with other parties and pursue implementation of the NDCs and transparency enhancement.
(Article 6 of the Paris Agreement)
Finally, Japan would like to emphasize that the success of this COP requires the decision on the detailed operational rules of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Article 6 is intended for the establishment of a high-quality carbon market, encouragement of mobilization of private finance for decarbonization technologies, and expansion of mitigation efforts worldwide through international cooperation. Japan will contribute to the decarbonization of the world through the Joint Crediting Mechanism or JCM. Now, this is the time to decide on the detailed operational rules at this COP toward global mitigation expansion.
I call upon all parties to work together to bring COP29 to a success. Let us continue our steadfast mitigation efforts toward the 1.5 degree goal. Thank you very much for your attention