Global Environment

Global Environment Research in Japan - List of National Institutes

List of National Institutes

Ministry of the Environment (MOE)

National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) TEL. 298-50-2310
FAX. 298-51-2854
National Institute for Minamata Disease (NIMD) TEL. 966-63-3111
FAX. 966-61-1145

Science Technology Agency (STA)

National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) TEL. 422-44-3551
FAX. 422-42-1371

Economic Planning Agency (EPA)

Economic Research Institute (ERI) TEL. 3-3581-0631
FAX. 3-3581-0516

Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare (MHW)

National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) TEL. 3-3441-7111
FAX. 3-3446-4314
National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) TEL. 3-5285-1111
FAX. 3-5285-1150
National Cancer Center Research Institute (NCCRI) TEL. 3-3542-2511
FAX. 3-3545 3567

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) TEL. 298-38-8167
FAX. 298-38-8199
National Agriculture Research Center (NARC) TEL. 298-38-8510
FAX. 298-38-8484
National Institute of Animal Industry (NIAI) TEL. 298-38-8617
FAX. 298-38-8606
National Grassland Research Institute (NGRI) TEL. 287-36-0111
FAX. 287-36-6629
National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (NRIAEC) TEL. 3-3910-3946
FAX. 3-3940-0232
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) TEL. 298-38-6302
FAX. 298-38-6316
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) TEL. 298-73-3211
FAX. 298-73-3720
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science (NRIFS) TEL. 45-788-7615
FAX. 45-788-5001
National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries (NRIFSF) TEL. 543-36-6000
FAX. 543-35-9642
Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute (JSNFRI) TEL. 25-228-0451
FAX. 25-224-0950
Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute (SNFRI) TEL. 958-22-8158
FAX. 958-21-4494
Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute (NNFRI) TEL 829 55 0666
FAX. 829-54-1216
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute (HNFRI) TEL 154 91 9136
FAX. 154-91-9355
National Research Institute of Aquaculture (NRIAQ) TEL. 5996-6-1831
FAX. 5996-6-1962
Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station (CNAES) TEL. 849-23-4100
FAX. 849-24-7895
National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH) TEL. 298-38-7705
FAX. 298-38-7880

Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METl)

National Institute for Resources and Environment (NIRE) TEL. 298-58-8100
FAX. 298-58-8118
Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) TEL. 298-54-3513
FAX. 298-54 3571
National Industrial Institute of Nagoya (NIRIN) TEL. 52-911-2111
FAX. 52-914 3439
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (MEL) TEL. 298-58-7000
FAX. 298-58-7033
National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMC) TEL. 298-54-6227
FAX. 298-54-6233
National Research Laboratory of Metrology (NRLM) TEL. 298-54-4148
FAX. 298-54-4099

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOT)

Ship Research Institute (SRI) TEL. 422-41-3005
FAX. 422-41-3026
Traffic Safety and Nuisance Research Institute (TSNRI) TEL. 422-41-3207
FAX. 422-41-3233
Hydrographic Department, Maritime Safety Agency (HD-MSA) TEL. 3-3541-3810
FAX. 3-3545-2885
Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) TEL. 298-53-8534
FAX. 298-53-8545
Port and Harbour Research Institute (PHRI) TEL. 468-44-5006
FAX. 468-42-9265

Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (MPT)

Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) TEL. 423-27-7465
FAX. 423-27-7587

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MOL)

National Institute of Industrial Health (NIIH) TEL. 44-865-6111
FAX. 44-865-6116

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) TEL. 298-64-2211
FAX. 298-64-2672
Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) TEL. 298-64-1111
FAX. 298-64-1804
Building Research Institute (BRI) TEL. 298-64-2151
FAX. 298-64-2989