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BOOKLET to Provide Basic Information Regarding Health Effects of Radiation (1st Edition)

Ages at the Time of Radiation Exposure and Cancer Types

Ages at the Time of Radiation Exposure and Cancer Types_Figure

This figure shows a comparison of excess relative risks of developing cancer (values indicating how much cancer risks have increased among a group of people exposed to radiation compared with a group of non-exposed people) per gray by age at the time of radiation exposure and by type of cancer, using the results of the surveys targeting atomic bomb survivors. Risks of thyroid cancer, stomach cancer and solid cancer as a whole are higher among people who were younger at the time of radiation exposure, risks of lung cancer are high among people aged 40 or older, risks of breast cancer are high during puberty, and risks of colon cancer do not show notable differences by age. In this manner, the figure suggests that the periods showing high radiosensitivity vary by type of cancer.

The excess relative risks in the figure show oncogenic risks due to exposure to respective organs when the survey targets become 70 years old.

(Related to p.116 of Vol. 1, "Oncogenic Risks by Age at the Time of Radiation Exposure," and p.93 of Vol. 1, "Relative Risks and Attributable Risks")

  • Included in this reference material on March 31, 2013
  • Updated on February 28, 2018
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