Thu 17 November 10:30-11:30


Title Carbon Market Platform Side Event at COP22
Contents In June 2016, representatives from Australia, Canada, Chile, EU, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Senegal, Switzerland, UK, US and Vietnam, as well as from international organizations, including the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), OECD, the UNFCCC Secretariat and the World Bank met in Tokyo, Japan for the first Strategic Dialogue of the Carbon Market Platform, which was established based on the Leadersʼ Declaration of the G7 Summit in Germany in June 2015. This event is a follow-up to the successful outcome of the Dialogue.
Organiser /
Participants came to shared recognition that the Platform is a bridge between a political will concerning carbon markets and technical knowledge.
They re-acknowledged that continuous dialogue among policymakers is essential to keep providing political impetus.
They confirmed that member countries should strengthen collaboration to further utilize future carbon markets and other opportunities at the Second Strategic Dialogue of the Carbon Market Platform to be held in Italy in 2017, co-chaired by Italy and Germany.
The Second Strategic Dialogue of the Carbon Market Platform is to be held in Italy in 2017, co-chaired by Italy and Germany.
Materials Presentation 1(PDF・1,160KB)
  • Thu 17 November 10:30-11:30
  • Thu 17 November 10:30-11:30
Reporters Naoki Torii, Ministry of the Environment, Japan