Ministry of the Environment |
Website created and maintained by the Ministry of the Environment to fulfill its obligation to provide environmental data to the public, and issue press releases, various government bulletins and materials, commentaries on laws, and information source guides showing the location of environmental data, etc. |
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Website started in 1996 by ECO ASIA (Environment Congress for Asia and the Pacific) for communicating information on state of the environment in the Asia-Pacific region, environmental policy, etc., provided by the countries and international organizations through the Internet to all parties in the region (the website has not been updated due to closure of ECO ASIA NET activities). |
Information service started by the 8th Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change in 1998, aimed at active policy dialogue and consultation among nations, provision of latest news and information (particularly on CDM)and capacity development for use of ICT, and promoting public awareness on climate change. |
EIC Net (Japanese) |
Environmental Information and Communication Network is operated by the Environmental Information Center.This website provides environmental information to support various environmental activities through private companies, local governments, environmental NGOs, schools, and households etc. |
Global Environment Information Center |
The Global Environment Information Center operated by the Ministry of the Environment and the United Nations University in cooperation with various organizations, offers assistance to NGOs, corporations, governmental organizations, and international organizations in transmitting and accessing information on environmental activities. |
NETT21 |
NETT21 is a database, which has been constructed in the project entrusted by the Ministry of the Environment, in order to facilitate the transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (EST) into developing countries which was stipulated in Chapter 34 of Agenda 21.The database contains a broad range of information on environmental technologies in Japan, such as pollution prevention and environmental monitoring technologies.The Global Environment Center Foundation (GEC)maintains the database and supports maESTro which is the EST information system of the UNEP International Environmental Technology Center (IETC). |
Regional 3R Forum in Asia |
The Regional 3R Forum in Asia was proposed by Japan at the East Asia Summit Environment Ministers Meeting in Oct, 2008 in Hanoi, Viet Nam, and officially launched in Nov, 2009 in Tokyo.The forum functions as a regional platform to facilitate the 3R implementation in Asia collaborating among the governments, international organizations, and donor communities. |
This website provides the information and case studies on the Japanese corporate environmental activities overseas, which will be helpful for the companies implementing or planning the environmental activities, related institutions and NGOs. |
Other Organizations related to International Environmental Cooperation