Environmental Policy

The Basic Environment Plan - Part III


The government shall develop comprehensive and systematic policies, utilizing a combination of methods appropriate for each problem, closely coordinating the different policies. To realize this Plan's long-term objectives: i. a socioeconomic system incorporating closed material circulation must be built to reduce the negative effects of environmentally burdensome activities, ii. harmonious coexistence must be established, which demands the maintenance and restoration of a healthy ecosystem and a harmonious coexistence between nature and human beings, iii. participation by each sector of society must be ensured, where each sector voluntarily and actively participates to conserve the environment, fairly spreading the cost throughout society , and iv. a international effort must be promoted.

Environmental problems have become problems of global proportion affecting wide geographical areas and implicating the lives of many generations. They must therefore be dealt with an a comprehensive manner. Many problems are caused through routine daily activities. It is important to combine various methods, such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), regulatory measures, economic measures, program funding, environmental education, environmental learning, support for both corporate and individual efforts and promotion of scientific technology.

Furthermore, it is necessary to design a comprehensive policy for individual problems. It should examine the circumstances of each problem and evaluate the effectiveness of each measure. It should take into consideration the relationship between similar problems and similar measures. It should establish objectives and indicators as necessary. As quantifiable objectives which relate to individual problems, the state of the environment, the burden on the environment, the number of businesses affected by each individual measure and the efforts of each sector of society are each described in this Plan.

These objectives are based upon individual laws and decided within an established framework. They shall be examined to ensure that they are in accordance with this Plan's fundamental goal. As necessary, comprehensive reviews shall be initiated, establishing specific goals for the necessary fields, designed with effective measures for implementation, and effecting individual plans.

The purpose of providing the following references is to indicate this Plan's objective's basis in law and to present the procedures discussed during the Cabinet Minister's Conference. The Plan has its formal basis in law as a result of the deliberations of the Cabinet Minister's Conference. The Conference that enacted it is referenced because it was thought important to strengthen this Plan. Also, the objectives for this Plan are as of the day of the Cabinet Minister's Conference decision.

  • Chapter 1. Building a Socioeconomic System Fostering Environmentally Sound Material Cycle
  • Chapter 2. Harmonious Coexistence Between Nature and Humankind
  • Chapter 3. Participation by All Sectors of Society Sharing Fair Burden
  • Chapter 4. Measures Forming the Basis of Environmental Policy
  • Chapter 5. Promoting International Activities