World Natural Heritage in Japan Shiretoko
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Ministry of the Environment > Nature & Parks > World Natural Heritage > Shiretoko > Chain of Life -From Ocean to Mountain-
Chain of Life -From Ocean to Mountain-
Shiretoko Peninsula is located in northeast Hokkaido. The site is filled with an assortment of landscapes including the steep peaks of mountain ranges, sheer cliffs along the coastline, and various marshes, lakes, and swamps. Shiretoko maintains pristine forests and diverse vegetation that cover ground from the shore to mountain peaks 1,600 m high. The heritage site includes the Shiretoko Peninsula and surrounding marine areas.

The salmons and dolly varden of Shiretoko migrate between the sea and rivers, and become food sources for a wide range of wildlife including large terrestrial mammals and endangered birds of prey as well as various marine mammals and seabirds. The population density of the brown bear is among the highest in the world due to the abundance of food and diverse habitats.

In addition, Shiretoko features a unique composition and distribution of fauna and flora such as the coexistence of southern and northern species reflective of the geographical location and diverse natural environments. Further, Shiretoko is an important breeding or wintering ground for many globally threatened species such as Blakiston's fish-owl, Steller's sea eagle, and the white-tailed eagle; therefore, it is an essential habitat for the conservation of these species.

Shiretoko Cape


Chain of Life Sea Ice, the Supporter of Abundant Wildlife Photo Gallery Information Toward the Proper conservation of Shiretoko About World Heritage Links