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Press Release

Designation of New Ramsar Sites under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

November 8, 2005

Japan announced the designation of 20 wetlands to the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance on November 8, 2005, and the number of Ramsar sites in Japan on the Ramsar List increased to 33 including the 13 sites previously designated.

Ramsar COP7 held in 1999 adopted a resolution that declared its intention to double the number of Ramsar sites from those existing in 1999, to more than 2000. In line with the resolution, the Government of Japan (GoJ) had set up a national target to increase the number of Ramsar sites in Japan, seeking to double the 11 sites existing in 1999 to more than 22.

To achieve this target, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) set up an expert committee to develop a list of prospective wetlands of various types for designation. Then, MOE actively carried out the procedures for designation including (i) applying protection measures under domestic laws, (ii) confirming local authorities' approval, (iii) designating prospective Ramsar sites, and (iv) reporting to the Ramsar Secretariat.


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