August 29, 2005
The Ministry of the Environment collected examples of measures implemented by businesses and compiled them into a Case Report in order to promote the release reduction of chemical substances subjected to the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR). This Case Report focuses on simple and low cost measures and technologies, especially for small- and medium-sized businesses.
The PRTR System, which is based on the Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Releases to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management (referred to as "the Chemical Substance Releases Reporting and Management Promotion Law") in July 1999, is the system to promote voluntary efforts for chemical substance management by businesses through reporting their releases and transfers of chemical substances.
To promote the release reduction of chemical substances, case reports on good practices by businesses are compiled to share the information for the promotion of release reduction of chemical substances subject to the PRTR. Release reduction efforts of businesses can be classified into the following three types.
- Improvement of process management/operation
- Installation of treatment devices
- Conversion of raw materials
The cases reported here are classified into above three and the fourth classification which is the combination of the above three types. In total, 63 cases are reported. For each cases reported, outline on an business establishment, subjected chemical substances, measures taken and future prospective are cited in details.
- The Case Report can be obtainable (in Japanese only) through:
(i) Electronic data PDF file can be downloaded from: (ii) Printed brochure Please contact the following. Those who wish to have the brochure mailed must bear the postage. Contact: Environmental Health and Safety Division
Environmental Health Department
Ministry of the Environment
Phone No. +81-(0)3-5521-8260
e-mail address