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Press Release

Japan Participates in the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate

July 28, 2005

Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate shall be launched in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic on July 28, 2005, attended by delegates from the United States (host country), Australia, China, India, Japan and Korea.

The objective of this partnership is to address environmental contamination, energy security and climate change countermeasures through the development and dissemination of clean and efficient technologies. To be specific, the partnership promotes regional collaboration in terms of energy efficiency, clean coal, liquefied natural gas, carbon capture and storage, methane capture and use, nuclear power, renewable energy such as bioenergy and hydropower generation. This partnership will complement, not to replace, the Kyoto Protocol.

The Government of Japan shall participate in the partnership to promote practical contribution based on the cooperation extended to the countries concerned in the Asia-Pacific Region in the field of climate change and energy.

In line with the result of an initial meeting, to be held on July 28, and its vision statement to be announced, participating countries shall discuss practical cooperative measures and scheme.

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