May 25, 2005
In compliance with the enforcement of Invasive Alien Species Act from June 1, 2005, Enforcement Regulation for Invasive Alien Species Act and four related notifications were promulgated as of today. The enforcement regulation and notifications shall be enforced from June 1.
<Summary of enforcement regulation and notifications>
1. | Enforcement regulation for Invasive Alien Species Act |
(1) | Regulation on purposes and filing procedure of permission for raising, exceptions for prohibition of raising or transfer, and other matters related to handling of invasive alien species (hereinafter referred to as "the IAS"). |
(2) | Regulation on context of announcement and other matters including authorization and confirmation procedures related to IAS control. |
(3) | Designation of uncategorized alien species (UAS) and living organism not requiring attachment of certificate, designation of importing port, and stipulating other particular regulations. |
2. | The details of standards for specified raising facilities for specified IAS under supervision of the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (Notification) |
3. | The details of standards for specified raising facilities for specified IAS under supervision of the Minister of the Environment (Notification) |
These stipulate standards for specified raising facilities, effective term for permission for raising, reasons of changing number of individuals that require report, individual identification methods and other handling methods for each newly designated 37 IASs such as raccoon.
4. | Exceptions related to the 5th category common fishery right (Notification) |
As an exception related the 5th category common fishery right for micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass), followings are provided: standard for specified raising facility, condition for raising permission, and handling method.
5. | Criteria for registration of certificate issuance agents (Notification) |
Registration procedures, disqualifying condition, filing procedures for registration, and registration criteria are provided.