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Press Release

Amendment of the Basic Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment

March 30, 2005

The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) reviewed the Basic Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Basic Guidelines for EIA relating to the Port and Harbor Plan and amended them. MOE announces the amendment on March 30.

EIA Basic Guidelines shall be reviewed every five years and the result of the review is required to be published. MOE established "Technical Study Committee for EIA Basic Guidelines" composed of experts concerned in FY 2004. Based on the report submitted by this committee, the review result is published to invite public comments. This amendment was made according to the review result and public comments.

In compliance with this amendment, the ministerial ordinances formulated for each type of subjected projects and Port and Harbor Plan shall be amended according to the consultation between competent ministries and MOE.

<Basic Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment>

Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Law, the Minister of the Environment shall establish the Basic Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment which is common basic matters to be followed by all the ministers concerned regardless of project type. The ministers concerned establish the criteria and guidelines for project type based on the Basic Guidelines for EIA which constitute the followings.

(i)Basic guidelines related to criteria judging whether the Class-2 project to follow the EIA procedure due to the characteristics of the project and condition surrounding project site.
(ii)Basic guidelines related to guidelines for project proponents to select items and survey method for EIA (selection guidelines for EIA items, etc.).
(iii)Basic guidelines related to guidelines for project proponents to explore environmental conservation measures (guidelines for environmental conservation measures).

As for the EIA at superordinate planning stage, the Basic Guidelines concerning selection of items and survey method for EIA and environmental conservation measures have been established for the Port and Harbor Plan.


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