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Press Release

Action Plan for Eradication of Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste

June 14, 2004

The Minister of the Environment, Ms. Yuriko Koike, will announce an Action Plan for Eradication of Illegal Dumping at the press conference after a Cabinet meeting on June 15.

This Action Plan aims to eradicate illegal dumping of industrial waste, which became a serious issue in recent years, by integrating measures at every process of waste treatment into a comprehensive measure. The Ministry of the Environment shall steadily implement the measure stipulated in the Action Plan.

Besides, a hot line shall be set up in order to receive information on large scale illegal dumping of industrial wastes that require prompt action, directly from the general public. The exclusive e-mail box and the facsimile number are as follows:

E-mail address:
Facsimile number: 0120-537-38
Note:     The address and the number above shall be available from June 16, 2004.

* Action Plan for Eradiction of Illegal Dumping

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