
Statement by Dr. YAMAGUCHI Tsuyoshi, Minister of the Environment, Japan, at CBD COP15 - High Level Segment, Round Table B (October 12, 2021)

Mr. and Madame Co-chairs,

Madame Executive Secretary,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to begin by expressing sincere gratitude to all of you for your dedication and commitment to holding this conference.

I would also like to pay tribute that, under the leadership of Minister Yasmine Fouad of Egypt, the COP14 Presidency, discussion towards the ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework has been moving forward.

Today, I would like to convey two messages: One, what we hope for the new global framework and Two, Japan's commitment.

First, it is important for us to redesign our socioeconomic systems now, in order to conserve biodiversity and halt and reverse the trend of its loss, because biodiversity is the foundation of human existence.

For this purpose, we need to reach an agreement on the new ambitious global framework at Part 2 of COP15.

In order to make the new global framework "ambitious," 30by30 is very important. Japan supports this 30by30 target together with considerable number of participating countries of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. I hope this concept of "30by30" can be shared by as many countries as possible. Also, Nature-based Solutions are important when we take climate and environmental actions. It is also important for us to build a virtuous cycle between biodiversity and economic growth.

We learned from the Aichi Targets that it is important to integrate a robust process of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle into the new framework, thus Parties steadily implement the national targets stipulated in their NBSAPs.

It is a pity that the Aichi Targets were not reached. Japan, as the COP10 Presidency, accepts this sincerely. However, as pointed out by Global Biodiversity Outlook 5, there was a considerable progress. Building upon the progress, let us further accelerate our efforts to realize the 2050 Vision, "Living in Harmony with Nature."

Second, Japan has already been working on its next NBSAP. As soon as the new global framework is adopted, we will swiftly proceed to put them in action, including 30by30.

Japan will not only revise its own strategy, but provide support to developing countries to facilitate their revising processes.

Japan established the Japan Biodiversity Fund in 2011, and has contributed sixty million US dollars in total since then.

I would like to take this opportunity to pledge, as a second phase of the Japan Biodiversity Fund, its global support with around seventeen million US dollars, additional contribution included.

Under the Satoyama Initiative, Japan will further promote its good practices of taking advantage of the natural environment to solve social challenges including climate change. Within the Initiative, Japan will initiate more projects in developing countries. This will contribute to implementing the new framework.

By doing so, Japan will accelerate its efforts and will contribute to the realization of the 2050 Vision.

I hope there will be fruitful discussions and the conference will be informative to all participants.

Thank you.

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