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Global Environment

Harmonizing Environment and Trade Policies


The guideline consists of the following four points

A. Transparency and consultation

Guideline---Governments should provide for transparency and for consultation with interested parties in the development and implementation of trade and environmental policies with potentially significant effects on each other.

B. Trade and environmental examinations, reviews, and follow-up

Guideline---Governments should examine or review trade and environmental policies and agreements with potentially significant effects on the other policy area early in their development to assess the implications for the other policy area and to identify alternative policy options for addressing concerns. Governments may co-operate in undertaking such examinations and reviews. Governments should follow-up as appropriate to implement policy options: to re-examine the policies, agreements, and any measures in place; and to address any concerns identified in the conclusion of such re-examinations.

C. International environmental co-operation

Guideline---Governments should co-operate to address transboundary, regional, or global environmental concerns, in particular through the negotiation and implementation of environmental policies and agreements among the countries concerned, with a view to changing the effectiveness of environmental action and avoiding undue effects on trade.

D. Dispute settlement

Guideline---When, pursuant to an agreement between countries, a country is party to a trade dispute that has an environmental dimension, or to an environmental dispute that has a trade dimension, the government, in developing its national approach, should recognize the importance of taking into account, as appropriate, environmental, trade, scientific, and other relevant expertise and should therefore work further to develop, as necessary, appropriate means to achieve transparency.

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