G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000

Summary of Best Practices
Russian Federation
1. Inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions ----- Detail
The existing inventory data in the Russian Federation might be improved towards to high quality greenhouse gas emission inventories, required by the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol by several ways and among them:
(1) Adaptation for Russian circumstances of the IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines on National Inventories and of further issues of the IPCC and additional simplifying assumptions.
(2) Improvements of national inventory system
(3) Improvements of sectoral and regional inventory systems
There are two current directions of activities in this field, in order to create a system satisfying the international standards for a minimal amount of money and calculate the really needed expenses for more precise of activities of emissions.
  • To undertake inventory in one of the administrative regions of Russia, get the required experience and then copy this process in the other regions of Russia.
  • To establish effective incentives and conditions for voluntary GHG inventory works of the largest companies on their enterprises.

2. Law Regulations, Federal Programs and Project Activities ----- Detail
There is number of Governmental Acts and decisions regulating the related activities at the federal basis such as the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation (1994) which will be revised in 2000, the Federal Law on Energy Savings (1996), the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation (1997), etc.
Moreover, a number of Federal Programs and projects related to climate change activities are under implementation. For example, Federal Program "Energy saving in Russia" (1998-2005) is developed by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, of which main goals are energy saving. The program has two stages: 1998-2000 and 2001-2005. The first stage deals mainly with control and accounting systems and energy saving equipment. The second stage will cover wide energy saving, establishing of energy market and wide implementation of R&D results obtained at the first stage. The program has five subprograms.

Summary of Best Practices - Russian Federation
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