G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000

Detailed Description of Best Practices
United Kingdom No.2

I. Title of the Best Practice

"Are You Doing Your Bit?" Campaign

II. Overview of the Best Practice

It is essential that individuals take action in order that we may meet our targets for Climate Change. However, research shows that although people are concerned about the environment and global warming and want to do something to improve their environment, they very often don't understand the environmental impact of their individual daily actions. In particular, they don't understand the link between their use of energy and climate change.

The Government's £25 million 'Are You Doing Your Bit?' environmental awareness publicity campaign aims to explain the link in very simple terms and stimulate public awareness and action. Launched by the Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott in 1998, the campaign encourages small but important behavioural changes in our everyday actions to benefit both ourselves and the local and global environment.

A. Campaign Messages
The campaign's easily understood messages illustrate how making simple changes to our daily actions will have a positive affect on the environment. On Energy Efficiency for example -

  • Turning off unnecessary lights;
  • Only boiling just enough water needed when making a hot drink;
  • Switching off TVs, computers and hi-fis when you're not using them;
  • walking, cycling or using public transport when you can; and
  • turning down the heating thermostat by 1oC, which can cut fuel bills by 10%

The key message for the public is that we can all take action to reduce our impact on the environment and every individual action we take to reduce pollution and save energy - no matter how small - really does count. It isn't difficult and it needn't cost, and in fact looking after the environment will not only improve quality of life but can help to save money as well.

B. Promotional Activity
Activity in 1999/2000 is designed to substantially increase the campaign's national presence and awareness with an expanded initiative based on a series of memorable TV ads supported by national radio, consumer press, 48 sheet posters and bus sides. Backed by a strategic campaign extension support programme, "Are You Doing Your Bit?" focuses on four priority areas:

climate change/energy efficiency - reinforcing the link between individual actions and global warming and supporting the activities of the Energy Saving Trust;

transport - with links to air quality and health, reinforcing and linking with both campaigning and industry partners such as Travelwise, Don't Choke Britain, and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders;

water use - linking with Going For Green, water companies, Water UK and equipment manufacturers and;

packaging and waste - reinforcing national waste strategy messages.

C. Creative approach
Our aim is to create an infectious response to the "Are You Doing Your Bit?" call to action, using evidence of all sorts of people acting to help the environment. TV forms the main vehicle for 1999/2000 given its proven ability to reach and influence mass target audiences. Creative work centres around the use of well-known celebrities carrying out small, environmentally-friendly actions in slightly incongruous situations. This approach is:

providing enduring and memorable messages;

injecting the campaign with stature and importance; and

adding energy and making the campaign relevant to everyday life.

The approach is being carried through to a smaller range of radio commercials, also using celebrities, and synchronising with TV work. Media plans consist of:

TV - three substantial bursts throughout 1999/2000

Radio - a single burst of 20 and 30-second ads which ran throughout July and September.

Press - single burst May-October using general consumer interest and women's weekly publications - our research indicates these as key family influencers;

Poster sites - sites in major cities throughout May-June mainly on transport and travel awareness messages and;

Bus sides - throughout May-July in London and other major cities, again on transport themes.

The key to all this activity will be reinforcement and support for all the messages behind the unifying "Are You Doing Your Bit?" branding.

D. Campaign extension
The aim of campaign extension activity is to ensure that our paid advertising is reinforced in all media at both national and local level, and that closer links are developed with partners, and other organisations campaigning on our key themes.

Campaign extension objectives are to:

create and manage an imaginative programme of promotional support to add value to advertising;

provide a central resource to encourage partner buy-in, resolve queries, and provide central co-ordination of AYDYB activity with partner groups.

A series of nation-wide and regional promotional events have been running with local activity centring around a regional roadshow visiting 22 locations between August and end October. Further activity will be organised throughout the campaign period, supporting the main advertising programme and giving support to partner groups.

E. Partner Organisations
A key to the success of the campaign lies in the involvement, co-operation and motivation of partner organisations, local authorities, environmental groups and businesses, who are invited to link with the campaign branding and messages in their own promotional activities. Take up of supporting campaign material such as the campaign newsletter, toolkit, website, posters and features shows that there is a growing enthusiasm to link with the campaign.

In fact, the campaign works to mutual benefit since it complements and reinforces partner activities and acts as a signpost to other sources of help, for example. the Energy Savings Trust's 'energy efficiency' campaign which stimulates investment in energy efficiency measures,

F. Research
Both qualitative and quantitative research has been carried out to support the campaign. Qualitative research was carried out in the run up to the campaign to help shape its direction. Quantitative research is carried out through regular tracking that measures the impact of the campaign

III. Categorizing the Best Practice

1. Classifications
( ) Regulatory approach
( X ) Practical action
( X ) Social network mechanism

2. Social actions involved
( X ) Citizens
( X ) Central Government
( X ) Local Government
( X ) Business

3. Sector(s)
( ) Energy
( X ) Household
( ) Transportation
( ) Industrial enterprises
( ) Other (Non-Industrial) Business
( ) Agriculture/land use/forestry
( ) Other

4. Target greenhouse gas(es)
( X ) CO2
( ) CH4
( ) N2O
( ) HFC
( ) PFC
( ) SF6
( ) Other

IV. List of Attachments

'Every Little Bit Helps' - consumer leaflet
Video of Campaign TV Adverts

V. For further information contact

Ms Avinder Bhinder
Campaign Co-ordinator
Email: avinder_bhinder@detr.gsi.gov.uk
Tel: 0171 890 6683
Fax: 0171 890 6659

Address: DETR
Zone 7/F8
Ashdown House
123 Victoria Street

Or visit the "Are You Doing Your Bit?" website at www.doingyourbit.org.uk

Detailed Description of Best Practices - United Kingdom No.2

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