G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000

Detailed Description of Best Practices
Japan No.4

I. Title of the Best Practice

Enhancement of Conditions for Promoting Bicycle Use in Model Cities

II. Overview of the Best Practice

A. Features of Enhancement of conditions for promoting bicycle use in model cities

1. Background
About the half of human travel done by automobiles is for distances less than 5 km, which can easily be covered by bicycle. Accordingly, it would seem effective to improve the conditions for the promotion of bicycle use.

2. Summary of Enhancement of conditions for promoting bicycle use in model cities
The Government invited proposals and designated 19 model cities (5 cities in fiscal 1997 and 14 in fiscal 1998), where traveling and parking spaces for bicycles were improved comprehensively. These efforts encourage conversion from automobile travel to bicycle use by making use of the efficiency of bicycles for short-distance travel, and promote the alleviation of traffic congestion and limitation of CO
2 emissions.

B. Reasons for Inclusion as a Best Practice

  • It can contribute to the formation of future policies to prevent global warming.
  • It is useful for consideration by social actors other than G8 countries implementing domestic initiatives in developed countries.
  • It can be appropriate for application in, or technical transfers to, developing countries

III. Categorizing the Best Practice

1. Classification(s)
( X ) Regulatory Approach (Policy approaches-regulations, incentives, etc.)
( ) Practical Action (Action undertaken independently by a social actor)
( ) Social Network Mechanism (Cooperative structure)

2. Social Actor(s) Involved
( ) Citizens
( X ) Central government
( ) Local government
( X ) Business

3. Sector(s)
( ) Energy
( ) Residential
( ) Industrial
( X ) Transportation
( ) Commerce
( ) Agriculture/Land Use/ Forestry
( ) Others ( )

4. Target Greenhouse Gas(es)
( X ) CO2
( ) CH4
( ) N2O
( ) HFC
( ) PFC
( ) SF6
( ) Other ( )

IV. List of Attachments


V. Please indicate a person to contact for more information about this Best Practice.

Contact Person: Ikeguchi
Organization: Road Environment Enhancement Division, Road Bureau, Ministry of Construction
Email: ikeguchi@road.hs.moc.go.jp
Tel: +81-3-5251-1901
Fax: +81-3-5251-1951
Address: 2-1-3, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 109-8944, Japan
Note: N/A

Detailed Description of Best Practices - Japan No.4

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