G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000

Detailed Description of Best Practices
Japan No.3

I. Title of the Best Practice

Promotion of Further Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Cars, Homes and Office Appliances through the Introduction of "Top Runner Approach"

II. Overview of the Best Practice

A. Features of promotion of further improvement of energy efficiency of cars, home appliances and office appliances through the introduction of "Top Runner Approach"

1. Background
COP3 made it a priority to promote the rational use of energy, as energy consumption is one of the most significant sources of CO
2 emissions. Japan's Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy was revised to promote further improvements in the energy efficiency of cars, home appliances and office appliances by introducing the "Top Runner Approach"

2. Characteristics of "Top Runner Approach"

  • The Top Runner Approach is applied to fuel consumption standards of cars and energy efficiency standards of electric appliances. The Top Runner Approach sets the energy standards for each type of product equal to, or more stringent than, the level of best available technologies on the market.
  • To ensure that the products meet the standards, supporting measures were strengthened.

B. Reasons for Inclusion as a Best Practice

  • The effect in reducing greenhouse gases is expected to be excellent. The feasibility of implementing of this approach has been ensured by setting quantitative targets using legal measures and clarifying is responsibilities. It is estimated that this approach will contribute to energy savings of 10 million kilo litters in the year 2010.
  • It can contribute to the formation of future policies to prevent global warming. Introduction of the Top Runner Approach is one of Japan's central measures to prevent global warming. It promotes action in the residential and transportation sectors.
  • It is a challenging and emerging approach. It encourages further improvements of energy efficiency by establishing standards equal, to or higher than, those currently available by best technology.
  • It can serve as a model for developed countries besides the G8 countries in implementing domestic initiatives.. As it establishes standards in accordance with products on the market, it is possible to establish standards which suit the situation in each country.
  • Applications in, or technical transfers to, developing countries are possible.
  • It ensures transparency and fairness in the setting of energy efficiency standards. As this approach is applied to products made in Japan as well as those imported, it does not discriminate between them. Moreover, when setting standards, opinions from inside and outside Japan are taken into consideration, and fairness and transparency are ensured.

III. Categorizing the Best Practice

1. Classification(s)
( X ) Regulatory Approach (Policy approaches-regulations, incentives, etc.)
( ) Practical Action (Action undertaken independently by a social actor)
( ) Social Network Mechanism (Cooperative structure)

2. Social Actor(s) Involved
( ) Citizens
( X ) Central government
( ) Local government
( X ) Business

3. Sector(s)
( ) Energy
( X ) Residential
( ) Industrial
( X ) Transportation
( X ) Commerce
( ) Agriculture/Land Use/ Forestry
( ) Others ( )

4. Target Greenhouse Gas(es)
( X ) CO2
( ) CH4
( ) N2O
( ) HFC
( ) PFC
( ) SF6
( ) Other ( )

IV. List of Attachments


V. Please indicate a person to contact for more information about this Best Practice.

Contact Person: Masakazu Takahashi
Title: Technical Group Leader
Organization: Energy Efficiency Policy Division, Coal and New Energy
Agency of Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Email: takahashi-masakazu@miti.go.jp
Tel: +81-3-3501-9726
Fax: +81-3-3580-8439
Address: 1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901, Japan
Note: N/A

Detailed Description of Best Practices - Japan No.3

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