G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000

Detailed Description of Best Practices
Italy No.7

I. Title of the Best Practice

Voluntary Agreements with Industry

II. Overview of the Best Practice

A. Brief description of policy or measure:
Series of agreement between Environment Ministry and industrial associations to reduce specific CO2 emissions. Industry will take care of the general objective of reducing CO2 emisisons

B. Objective(s):
The policy aims at the voluntary achievement of improvements in energy efficiency and avoid unnecessary additional regulations.

C. Cost effectiveness:
The measure requires no additional costs for the administration, industry will implement cost-effective measures.

D. Performance indicator(s):
National energy statistics.

E. Impacts (climate and other, incl. sustainanble development):
Reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of other harmfull emissions.

F. State of implementation:
The ageements have been signed with glass and cars manufacturers. Negotiations are on going with chemical and electric sector.

III. Categorizing the Best Practice

1. Classifications

( ) Regulatory approach
( X ) Practical action
( ) Social network mechanism

2. Social actors involved :

( ) Citizens
( ) Central Government
( ) Local Government
( X ) Business

3. Sector(s)

( X ) Energy and transmission
( ) Household
( ) Transportation
( X ) Industrial enterprises
( ) Other (Non-Industrial) Business
( ) Agriculture/land use/forestry
( ) Other

4. Target greenhouse gas(es)

( X ) CO2
( ) CH4
( X ) N2O
( ) HFC
( ) PFC
( ) SF6
( ) Other

IV. List of Attachments

Detailed Description of Best Practices - Italy No.7

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