G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000
Outline of G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000
Outline of G8 Environmental Futures Forum
Outline of G8 Environmental Futures Forum
Conclusions and Recommendations
Domestic Best Practices Addressing Climate Change

The G8 Environmental Futures Forum is a means for representatives from various governmental and non-governmental backgrounds in G8 countries and representatives from the European Commission to come together for the purpose of identifying potential future environmental challenges.

G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000
When the first Environmental Futures Forum convened in Washington, D.C. in 1997, Forum delegates identified a broad spectrum of emerging environmental challenges. The following Forum in London in 1998 was of narrower focus, looking at issues in one specific sector, the transport sector, followed by the Forum in Bonn in 1999 which focused the discussion further still, addressing the issues of alternative fuels and propulsion systems.
At the G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in Schwerin in March 1999, it was agreed that the next G8 Environmental Futures Forum would include the exchange of experiences of "best practices" regarding climate change, and that a report of the results would be made to the next G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting.

14-15 February 2000
ShonanVillage Center,
Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Conclusions and Recommendations of
G8 Environmental Futures Forum 2000
reports of past meetings
1 4-5 April 1997, Washington, DC, United States
Proceedings G7 Environmental Futures Forum
2 17-18 February 1998, London, United Kingdom
G8 Environment and Transport Futures Forum
3 25-26 January 1999, Bonn, Germany
G8 Environmental Futures Forum on "Alternative Fuels and Propulsion Systems"