G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000

The Environment Ministers of the countries of G8 and the Commissioner for the Environment of the European Commission will meet to discuss environmental issues of common concern on the banks of Lake Biwako from 7 to 9 April 2000. This year marks the eighth time the G8 Environment Ministers Meeting has been held, beginning in 1992.

Outline of G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000

date, venue, participants
profile of environment Ministers and
the Commissioner for the Environment
dates, venues and outcomes of past meetings

Outline of G8 Environmental Futures Forum
date, venue, outcome
dates, venues and reports of past meetings
the related links

address postcode: 100-8975
Tokyo, JAPAN
Secretariat for G8 Environment Ministers'Meeting
Global Environment Department,
Environment Agency
tel:03-3580-4982 fax:03-3504-1634
