International negotiations and related policies on climate change issues
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Webpage on Climate Change of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Online platform where actors around the globe display their commitments to act on climate change
International environmental coperation
General Statistics
Demographic Yearbook(United Nations)Population by age, sex and urban/rural residence, surface area
World Urbanization Prospects(United Nations)Population of Urban(1950-2025),Rural Areas (1950-2025),Percentage Urban(1950-2025)
Global Metro Monitor 2018(BROOKINGS INSTITUTION)Metropolitan GDP per capita and Employment Growth Rates by Region and Development Status
UUrban Population - % of Total - (World Bank)Change of the Urban Population Rate around the World
Basic Statistics(Asian Development Bank)Millennium Development Goals' Indicators, Land, Population, carbon dioxide emissions, basic economic indicators such as the gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, trade balance, external debt, fiscal balance, and others.
World Health StatisticsHealth-related MDGs data, Global Health Indicators including drinking water, sanitation, infectious diseases, demographic & socio-economic statistics
Environment Statistics (United Nations Statistics Division)Air & Climate, Biodiversity, Energy, Waste, Water & Sanitation, Land & Agriculture, etc.
Statistical Offices in the World
Links to Statistical AgenciesYou can access the websites of national statistical organizations from the website of the Statistics Bureau of Japan.