
CAI Newsletter & Brochure

Promote low-carbon/low-pollution society

Project Name Overseas Development based on Japanese Model of Environmental Technologies (208KB)
Location Asian countries
Project Background Along with economic growth, environmental problems such as air pollution and water contamination have grown apparent especially in urban areas in Asian countries. As such, measures against such problems are urgently required. In order to solve such problems it is effective to disseminate and develop environmental measures and measurement techniques, a rule system for environmental conservation and personnel training as one package based on Japan’s experience of having overcome its own public pollution problems. Accordingly, Japan has conducted the project entitled “Overseas Development based on Japanese Model of Environmental Technologies” since FY 2009.
Objectives As a bilateral cooperative project with the country concerned, Japan conducts joint policy research on the dissemination and development of a package of measures related to environmental technologies or other matters, as well as provides workshops or other opportunities for the strengthening of environmental management capacity. Through the research and the workshops, Japan aims at strengthening the regulating systems of the country, introducing and disseminating appropriate environmental technologies and improving the environmental management capacity of the country, including that of local governments and companies.
Member Countries China, Indonesia and Vietnam (countries engaged in a bilateral cooperative project)
Project Achievements Since the countries above have a wide range of environmental problems, areas to be covered by projects in these countries are narrowed for effective implementation (NOx reduction for China, industrial drainage measures for Indonesia and Vietnam). A panel discussion concerning a package of measures for environmental technologies or other matters was held at a multilateral conference so that all Asian countries can share the outcomes of the project.
Joint Seminar Held between Ministry of the Environment,
Japan and the State Ministry of Environment,
the Republic of Indonesia
  The 7th Meeting of Japan-Vietnam
Joint Policy Study Group
Planned Activities Bilateral cooperative projects will be implemented by FY 2013, which is the last year of the project, as well as reflect the outcomes of the projects in policies of the country concerned.
Project Partners Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People�s Republic of China
the State Ministry of Environment, the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)