The Seventh Regional 3R Forum
in Asia and the Pacific

Organizers Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) ,Australian Government, Office of Green Industries SA on behalf of the Government of South Australia,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) ,United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Date Nov 2 - 4, 2016
Venue Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Approximately 360 representatives from 41 countries (ASEAN, Pacific island countries, East Asia and South Asia, etc.), cities, international organizations and so forth.
*Participants from Japan: 8 officials of Ministry of the Environment including State Minister Mr. Ito, thirteen municipal representative, approx. 45 representatives from private enterprises, 3 scholars and 6 NGO members, 20 participants from International organizations and other organizations.

Theme Advancing 3R and Resource Efficiency for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

At the forum (Aug 17 -19), topics below was discussed.

  • Contribution of 3Rs to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - Science and Policy for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
  • 3R and Resource Efficiency Towards Resilient Cities and Societies~ Implications Towards SDGs
  • 3R as the basis for Rural Resources and Waste Management for Regional Development - Implications towards SDGs
  • Evolution of 3R technologies and practices through private sector initiatives
  • Greening SMEs towards resource efficiency and circular economic development
  • Inter-municipal Network and Cooperation for 3R
  • Role of Green Chemistry in Minimization of Toxic Chemicals and Wastes

* Roundtable Discussion
On Nov 4th, a round-table between government and the private sector was organized, for the first time in the context of the 3R Forum, to promote Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs). Representatives of 41 countries and 21 private companies participated in the round-table.

* Side Events
Four side events below was held beside the Forum.

  • State of 3Rs in Asia and the Pacific committee meeting
  • Asia 3R Citizens Network event
  • 2016 Adelaide Workshop on Multilayer 3R Partnerships and Cooperation among Asia-Pacific Cities
  • International 3R Exhibition

"Chair's Summary of Seventh Regional 3R Forum" and "Adelaide 3R Declaration towards the Promotion of Circular Economy in Achieving Resource Efficient Societies in Asia and the Pacific under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was adopted as the outcome.

The Seventh Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific
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