Press Release

December 22, 2006
  • Nature & Parks

The 3rd Version of the Japanese Red List on Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Invertebrates (including Crustacea, spiders, etc.)

The Ministry of the Environment released up-dated red lists on Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Invertebrates (including Crustacea, spiders etc., but not including mollusks and insects) based on the review of the endangered wild fauna and flora conducted since 2002. This is the 3rd version of the Japanese Red List.

The number of endangered species (CR, EN and VU) increased in all categories announced:
Birds: 92 species (previously 89 species)
Reptiles: 31 species (previously 18 species)
Amphibians: 21 species (previously 14 species)
Invertebrates: 56 species (previously 33 species)

The ministry will take further conservation measures as needed, using as a guide these new red lists.

The Japanese Red List categories and IUCN's categories are basically the same. However the Japanese list doesn't have a category of "least concern (LC)." And the Japanese list contains an original category, Local Population (LP).

For Japanese