Press Release

June 18, 2020
  • Environmental Policy

Summary in Japanese of "RCE award on Education for Sustainable Development (2015-2019)" published by United Nations University.

A new publication featuring 12 RCE*1 award-winning ESD*2 projects from United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (referred to as UNU-IAS hereafter) is released*3 and its summary report has been translated into Japanese.
RCE is a part of ESD projects executed by UNU-IAS, and MOEJ is supporting it to promote ESD.

1.About this publication
This publication is released to promote ESD by sharing the good practices, the RCE award-winning 12 projects by RCEs in the world in 2015-2019. The projects highlight how the SDGs can be implemented at the local level through innovative and quality education, training and public awareness, as well as how the global RCE network can be utilized to foster sustainable development.

* 1 RCE:Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development
* 2 ESD:Education for Sustainable Development
* 3 UNU-IAS "RCE Contributions to a More Sustainable World: Cerebrating Five Years of Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (2015-2019)" published in May, 2020.

2. About RCE award
RCE award is given to the excellent projects which contribute to form sustainable society and eventually to achieve SDGs through educations at local and regional levels.

3.About RCE
Aiming to promote ESD in the local communities across the world, UNU has certificated RCE members since 2005. As of May 2020, there are 175 RCEs listed globally including 8 RCEs in Japan.

4.How to get a copy
Free copy of the original publication and its summary can be downloaded from UNU's website linked below.

■Original Publication(English):

■Summary Report (Japanese);

For Japanese

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