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Japan Environment Quarterly (JEQ)
Volume 3 | October 2013

Table of Contents

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Relay Column

Efforts towards Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Aiming to establish an integrated model of adaptation and mitigation suitable for island countries


Kumiko KAJII

Senior Researcher, PC-Institute for Global Environment Research, Overseas Division, Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd. (OECC member)

Shore erosion by a typhoon and its recovery status (Palau)

Since 1989, Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd. has been engaged in impact assessment and adaptation measures towards global warming / climate change, as well as in mitigation measures for GHG emissions reduction. In 1994, we participated in the joint study project of the Ministry of the Environment and South Pacific Island countries to conduct sea level rise vulnerability assessments for Tonga to begin with, and then for Fiji, Samoa, and Tuvalu. In 2004, we carried out comprehensive CDM feasibility studies in 14 South Pacific Island countries such as Samoa.

In 2012, our company established an Overseas Division and made a new start with an eye on the expansion of international businesses involving private enterprises. In this regard, we have just launched a formative feasibility study on a JCM large-scale project that intends to ensure the integration of adaptation and mitigation measures in the South Pacific island nations, especially focused on Palau.

In this study, we aim to establish a low-carbon model integrating both adaptation and mitigation measures in island countries where adaptation tends to be focused on than mitigation. In the model, we will consider the whole concept of a highly feasible business scheme by combining advanced Japanese technologies in the fields of disaster prevention and infrastructure for adaptation, and renewable energy (e.g., solar power) generation for mitigation.

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Towards UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
Establishment of Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE) towards post DESD


Katsunori SUZUKI

Member, Board of Directors, Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J)

Field tour during the international ESD workshop in Surabaya

As Japan was a proponent of the "United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DSED)," the Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J) was established in 2003 as a civil society organization for promoting ESD in Japan and the world, especially for empowerment in local communities.

ESD-J is currently engaged in establishing a framework to promote ESD through multi-stakeholder collaboration and, as part of it, forming a network of Asian NGOs working on ESD. With cooperation from NGOs in Asia, ESD-J has documented and shared the ESD's good practices in Asia, and compiled messages from Asian NGOs to draw international attention at COP10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity and at the Rio+20 summit, among other events.

Based on those achievements, ESD-J is planning to formally launch the Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE) to coincide with the UNESCO World Conference on ESD to be held in 2014.

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