Global Environment

National Action Plan for Agenda 21 -Chap. 24

[Agenda 21] National Action Plan for Agenda 21


In support of the construction of a society that will allow sustainable development with reduced environmental load, a large number of women have been positively contributing to environmental conservation, focusing on the field of consumption and household economy. It is important to encourage joint participation of men and women in various environmental conservation activities so that the knowledge and experience of women can be used more widely, especially in the field of social activities.

As regards the creation of a society of active and joint participation of men and women, it is necessary to promote sound measures based on the New National Plan of Action Towards the Year 2000 (formulated in 1987; revised in 1991), which was established for the purpose of integrating the "Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the year 2000" into a domestic policy, with due consideration given to the actual conditions in Japan. It is also necessary to further promote the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which Japan ratified in 1985, as well as to further strengthen activities to realize equality between men and women.

Taking the above into account, Japan will attach importance to the implementation of the following activities"

In promoting environmental education of the general public, environmental learning, the eco-mark system as regards environmentally friendly products, etc. and assisting various environmental conservation activities, including those by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Japan will make efforts to encourage active and joint participation of men and women, while utilizing the knowledge and experience of women.
Japan will promote the participation of women in the policy and decision making process in all fields, including the fields of the environment and development. Particularly as regards the appointment of women to national advisory councils, etc., Japan will aim to increase the percentage of women council members, setting target numbers.
In addition to correcting stereotyped sex-role concepts, Japan will make efforts in public relations activities and activities for public awareness to review the institutions, customs and practices in all fields of society.
Giving due consideration to the concept of "Women in Development," Japan will promote international cooperation by women, as well as international cooperation to assist women's participation in all activities, including in the field of environmental conservation.
Maternity has the socially important function of giving birth to the next generation and should be respected accordingly. Recognizing the issues of contraception, pregnancy and delivery as part of health, Japan will make efforts to disseminate correct knowledge among people from their adolescence onward, and will prepare a system of fine-tuned consultation and guidance in every stage of women's life.
In addition to the above, Japan will make efforts to incorporate the knowledge and experience of women into environment-related surveys and research, etc.

Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan