Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy Project (APEIS) [Mr. Akio Takemoto]
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APEIS stands for Asia Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy.
Among the words, the key word is “innovation”. This is unique for AP-initiatives. If you forget the initial “I”, APEIS will become “A P E S”. meaning monkeys! So, please don’t forget “I”.

As introduced by Minister Koike, APEIS is one of the main projects which were born from ECO ASIA It started in April 2002 as a three year project.

The final goal of this project is to contribute to sustainable development in Asia-Pacific region.

From that point of view, it was registered as Type II Partnership Initiative at World Summit on Sustainable Development.

This final goal is expected to achieve through ENVIROMENTAL INNOVATIONs
By i) providing scientific tools & policy options
By ii) promoting capacity building of experts
By iii) promoting outreach activities to stakeholders & the public