Global Environment

The Eighth Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change


- Initiatives towards the 21st Century -

June 22-25, 1998, Phuket, Thailand

  1. Attendance
  2. Major objectives of the Seminar
  3. Conduct of the Seminar
  4. Outcomes of the COP3
  5. Further actions to be taken by the countries of the region
  6. Regional information network on climate change
  7. Possible role of local governments to address climate change

1. The Eighth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change was held in Phuket, Thailand, on June 22- 25, 1998, organized by the Environment Agency of Japan; Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Royal Thai Government; and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in cooperation with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan, the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


2. The Seminar was attended by experts from twenty-one countries: China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tuvalu, the United States of America, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The Seminar was also attended by representatives of eight international/intergovernmental organizations: the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ESCAP, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP), and the Secretariat of UNFCCC. All participants appreciated efforts made by organizing agencies for having arranged this important seminar on climate change.

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Major objectives of the Seminar

3. The major objectives of the Seminar were as follows.

  • (a) To discuss the outcomes of the COP3 and consider their implications for regional cooperation on climate change.
  • (b) To identify issues that may be addressed by the countries of Asia and the Pacific and work out a package of possible initiatives towards the COP4 and beyond.
  • (c) To discuss possible regional mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of information and views on climate change among the countries of the region, including an information network to facilitate access to the latest scientific, technological, research, and administrative/institutional information.

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Seminar proceedings

4. The Seminar commenced with opening addresses by Mr. Hironori Hamanaka, Director-General, Global Environment Department of the Environment Agency of Japan, and Dr. Rezaul Karim, representative of ESCAP. The opening addresses were followed by a welcome speech by Mr. Jadej Insawang, Governor of Phuket. Dr. Saksit Tridech, Secretary General, Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Royal Thai Government, then introduced the major objectives and agenda for the Seminar, and H.E. Mr. Yingpan Manasikarn, Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Royal Thai Government, addressed the participants and declared the Seminar opened.

5. The Seminar elected Dr. Saksit Tridech as Chairperson; Messrs. Purna Bahadur Shrestha, Deputy Director-General, Department of Hydrology Meteorology, Nepal, and Seluka Seluka, PICCAP Coordinator, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Tuvalu, as Vice-chairpersons; and Mr. Katsunori Suzuki, Acting Director-General, Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center, Japan, as Secretary. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Saksit could chair the meeting for the first two days only. The final two days were chaired by Mr. Suphavit Piamphongsant, Chief Inspector General, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, who was entrusted by Dr. Saksit to perform the remaining tasks of the chair during his absence.

6. The keynote address was titled "Outcomes of the COP3 and issues to be further addressed by the countries of Asia and the Pacific" and was delivered by Mr. Kok Kee Chow, Director, Meteorological Office, Malaysian Meteorological Service and Chairman of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of UNFCCC. In his address, Mr. Chow emphasized that the countries should be encouraged to ratify the Kyoto Protocol quickly and that the time has come for the countries of the region to consider further regional cooperation that should continue to address climate change.

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Outcomes of the COP3

7. The participants of the Seminar noted with appreciation that the information provided by various international, intergovernmental, bilateral organizations, and the Seminar secretariat was very informative and useful.

8. The participants considered the Kyoto Protocol a significant first step toward protecting the climate in the pursuit of sustainable development for the 21st Century. They particularly noted that one important achievement of the Protocol was the agreement on legally binding, quantified greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets for the Annex I Parties and that the Annex I Parties should meet these targets. Therefore, they welcomed information on Japanese domestic efforts to reduce GHG emissions in a comprehensive manner as exemplified by the submission of a Bill for the Promotion of Measures to Tackle Global Warming.

9. The participants also noted that many issues would still remain before the Protocol would be enacted. Such issues include, inter alia, GHG sinks and operation of mechanisms, i.e., Joint Implementation, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and Emissions Trading. There were lively discussions on CDM, which could be established as a new mechanism for technology transfer. They agreed that further consideration is necessary to solve the remaining issues in relevant forums.

10. The participants recognized that progress in the region had been made to implement UNFCCC. Subsequently, they emphasized the importance of continuing technical and financial support from Annex II Parties so that the implementation of the Convention could be further advanced. The need for better access to environmentally sound technologies, for example, technology information centers at regional and national levels, was also stressed.

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Further actions to be taken by the countries of the region

11. According to the 1997 questionnaire survey conducted by the Environment Agency of Japan and the United Nations University, national GHG inventories had been prepared or were underway in many countries of the region. Although, only two initial reports had been submitted from developing countries in the region as of June 1998, many countries had initiated the preparation process. Some countries had developed national plans that included climate change components.

12. Some countries had taken steps for mitigation and adaptation measures. The ALGAS project had played an important role in identifying potential GHG abatement projects in selected developing countries of the region. It was also revealed that many countries preferred promoting energy-related projects, e.g., improvement of energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy. The participants felt that financial resources for such projects should be to identified and would include GEF and both multilateral and bilateral organizations.

13. The participants emphasized the importance of endogenous capacity building, particularly for identification of technological needs, assessment of technology options, and adaptation of technologies that consider local conditions. The participants also stressed the importance of public awareness and the role of the media in individual countries and the need to continue support for such activities. The role of UNEP and ESCAP in promoting public awareness was also emphasized.

14. The participants agreed that experiences in the region in dealing with climate change should be shared so that other countries could consider similar types of projects/actions in line with their own national priorities. Ways and means to enhance this process in individual countries may need to be explored.

15. The participants discussed possible initiatives that could be considered by the countries of the region and identified major points that are based on experiences gained in the region. They agreed that the countries in the region should further promote actions as explained in Appendix 1 while considering national priorities and local conditions.

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Regional information network on climate change

16. The participants voiced interest in the study carried out by the Environment Agency of Japan on the regional information network on climate change that also take into consideration results from the ESCAP Expert Group Meeting on Regional Cooperation for Climate Change.

17. Based on the information provided and the on-going discussions at SBSTA, the participants recognized the following.

  • (a) Countries in the region are trying to collect priority information on climate change, and this information includes basic policies; composition and structure of government organizations; GHG emission trends; detailed information on climate-friendly technologies; and results, schedules, and contact addresses of relevant workshops/seminars.
  • (b) Many countries primarily use traditional means for collecting information, which include publications, magazines, and study reports. However, Internet websites also seem to be promising for the near future.
  • (c) The Internet offers a number of benefits over the alternative means of communication and also offers easier global access to updated national climate change information, quicker, more interactive communication among users, and search capabilities.
  • (d) Some countries provide national information on climate change primarily on Internet websites such as CC:INFO/Web.
  • (e) The most commonly used website for climate change is CC:INFO/Web, which is followed by the websites of UNEP and USCSP, etc. Climate change experts rarely access available websites because the information provided is insufficient.
  • (f) Technical and financial support from a variety of sources is required to establish and operate national websites.
  • (g) If a country in the region has yet to establish a national website, then they should receive assistance to establish such a website using the format proposed in CC:INFO/Web. The website can provide national information on climate change for the better exchange of information and experiences.
  • (h) Many existing websites do not focus on climate change and are not user-friendly for climate change experts. Some mechanisms should be developed to enhance accessibility to the existing information on climate change and to facilitate exchange of information between countries in the region and with other organizations via Internet.
  • (i) Because some countries still face difficulties in connecting to the Internet, other methods, e.g., floppy diskettes, CD-ROMs, e-mail, newsletters, and workshops, should be utilized to facilitate information exchange.

18. The participants welcomed the initiative of the Government of Japan on this topic and endorsed the proposal on the Asia-Pacific Network on Climate Change outlined in Appendix 2.

19. The participants noted with appreciation the offer by the UNFCCC Secretariat to collaborate with appropriate organizations to hold a training workshop on development of national websites on climate change and on the implementation of UNFCCC for the countries of the region.

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Possible role of local governments to address climate change

20. Participants welcomed the information provided by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI: Asia and Pacific Secretariat, Japan Office) on the Nagoya Declaration; progress on the "Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Asia and Pacific Campaign;" and dissemination of the Guidelines for Local Action Plans for Climate Protection in the region. They also took interest in the presentations by local governments on their community-based activities to address climate change.

21. Considering the encouraging developments reported to the Seminar and the significant potential such local actions may have in advancing climate protection measures, the participants noted the following.

  • (a) In many countries, the local governments are responsible for land use, waste management, transportation infrastructure, building and construction codes, energy utilities, and public education and, thus, have a significant potential to reduce energy use and GHG emissions by employing these powers.
  • (b) Some local governments have implemented early actions and locally based campaigns to reduce local GHG emissions. Such actions include investment in energy efficiency and transportation projects that reduce local energy use; waste management policies that reduce methane emissions and promote waste reduction and recycling; and community-based campaigns for environmentally sound life styles by, for instance, reducing energy use in households and commercial buildings. These actions are also locally beneficial.
  • (c) All stakeholders, including citizens and local business communities, should be actively involved in local activities.
  • (d) Experience gained by local governments should be shared with other local governments in the region through CCP Asia and Pacific Campaign and other appropriate means; furthermore, Internet communication links with local authorities should be promoted to achieve these goals.
  • (e) Local governments can play an important role in reducing GHG emissions.
    • Reduce emissions from municipal and other public operations including buildings, facilities, landfills, waste treatment, and water pumping stations.
    • Reduce emissions from community-wide activities including transportation, housing, and local commerce.
    • Reduce emissions through expanding the supply of renewable energy.
    • Reduce emissions through local educational initiatives and organizations to enhance public understanding of climate change, thereby improving acceptance for government policies to address climate change.
  • (f) Leading local governments and the ICLEI should play leading roles in the direct cooperation and collaboration among local authorities in the region to address climate change.
  • (g) National governments should encourage and support local governments to initiate appropriate local actions through the dissemination of scientific and technological information in a timely manner and through other appropriate means.

22. It was recommended that the major outcomes of this Seminar should be reported at ECO- ASIA '98 in September this year in Sendai, Japan and the ESCAP Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Development in October 1998. The Chairperson's Summary of the Seminar should also be disseminated as widely as possible.

23. Participants welcomed the offer of Mr. Yasunori Yamawaki, Vice-Governor of Shiga Prefecture Government to jointly host the Ninth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change some time in summer 1999 with the Environment Agency of Japan and ESCAP, and in cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat and other relevant organizations.

Phuket, Thailand, June 25, 1998

Saksit Tridech
The Eighth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change

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[Appendix 1]

Proposed Initiatives to be Considered in the Asia-Pacific Region

At the Eighth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change, experts in the Asia-Pacific region discussed and identified initiatives to be considered by the countries of the region to address climate change and regional cooperative actions.

The Asia-Pacific region can play an important role in addressing climate change. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the region mainly come from consumption of fossil fuels. Many countries of the region have taken actions to address climate change, such as preparation of national GHG inventories; assessment of social, economic and environmental impacts; studies on and implementation of short, medium and long-term mitigation and adaptation options; and development of national plans which integrate climate change considerations. However, developing countries of the region suffer from funding shortage; lack of relevant data and accessible information; and other scientific, technical, financial, and institutional constraints.

In promoting these initiatives, the countries of the region may wish to consider the following important points while considering national priorities and the principles embedded in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Developed countries and international/intergovernmental organizations may provide financial and technical assistance to implement the initiatives.


Issues for consideration and proposed actions

1. Policies and measures for climate change need to be developed based on adequate information on science and technology and differing national conditions. Studies on climate change should be intensively promoted, and the results of these studies could be used to enhance public and political awareness of the problem. Coordination and cooperation with international research and applied research institutions working in fields relating to climate change are encouraged.

2. The preparation of national GHG inventories provides the fundamental basis for developing mitigation actions. The countries in the region that do not have GHG inventories are urged to prepare one using the various funds available to them. Funds from various sources are also available for countries willing to update their inventories.

3. National development plans, such as five-year economic development plans, should consider climate change. On the other hand, policies and measures addressing climate change should be formulated and implemented in the context of sustainable development while considering national priorities.

4. Projects implemented only to address climate change cannot easily be justified in the developing countries in the region. It is important to promote projects that have multiple benefits that are also immediate options. It should be emphasized that energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement projects have a large potential for this region.

5. Since vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies are particularly important in countries vulnerable to climate change and rising sea levels, more studies should be undertaken to develop appropriate adaptation strategies. Some adaptation projects should be formulated and implemented to demonstrate the effectiveness of these adaptation strategies and technologies.

6. The potential in the region to limit GHG emissions is significant in the energy and energy-related sectors. Two major technological options in the energy supply sector are improvement of energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy. In particular, it is important to improve the efficiency of coal combustion and to promote other alternative energy sources. The countries of the region may wish to consider these options, particularly those regarding power plant rehabilitation in combination with short-term options such as cycle power plants and small hydropower plants. Wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy, and advanced biomass power generation, as mid- to long-term options, need to be promoted while considering national priorities and local conditions.

7. Demand side management is also crucial to limit GHG emissions. The countries of the region may wish to consider end-use efficiency improvement for lighting, air conditioning, and appliances; promotion of efficient boilers; introduction of energy efficient equipment; and other means for promoting energy saving in households. Some countries may also wish to consider other options such as development/improvement of commercial and residential building standards.

8. Impact of deforestation on climate change is also important because of GHG emissions related to deforestation and the significant loss of carbon sink capacity after deforestation. More attention should be paid to the causes and impacts of forest fires and the El-NINO phenomena. Other important issues for climate change are projects to prevent forest fires, such as those dealing with early warning systems, and to enhance fire-fighting capacity.

9. Afforestation/reforestation offers multiple benefits relating to socio-economic development apart from the benefits of carbon sequestration. The countries of the region may wish to undertake and/or strengthen sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation, for instance, through short- or long-rotation forestry projects, forest conservation projects to control unmanaged deforestation and land degradation, and prevention of forest fires.

10. The countries of the region may also wish to identify cost-effective options in other sectors, such as the industrial and transport sectors. Some countries may wish to improve vehicle fuel efficiency and other climate friendly technologies, such as those used for building construction.

11. Specific adaptation strategies in planning and management could include sectors such as water and health, coastal protection, agriculture and forestry, tourism, resettlement and migration, fisheries, and integrated coastal management. These strategies could be implement through empirical practices and development of adaptation strategies/technologies for vulnerable coastal regions.

Development and transfer of technologies

12. Innovative climate-friendly technologies are emerging, as exemplified by recent introductions of low emission technologies related to energy and non- energy sectors on the market. To enable easier availability, accessibility, and adaptability for these technologies, it is useful (i) to develop a regional technological information network and (ii) to promote model projects that are replicable. It should, however, be clearly recognized that adaptation of such technologies is often needed to meet particular conditions in individual countries. Such activities should not adversely affect local industries but should strengthen the endogenous capacity in using such technologies.

13. The countries of the region should pay attention to institutional barriers that prevent widespread use of climate friendly technologies and take actions to deal with them.

14. Many climate-friendly technologies are owned by the private sector. Therefore, private sector needs to be actively involved in technology. The countries of the region may wish to take actions to facilitate the smooth flow of resources and technologies in the private sector through, for example, provision of incentives. Private sector involvement could be stimulated by innovative environmental legislation.

15. Some climate-friendly technologies that may have significant impact on communities should be introduced only after consultation with those communities about their needs and development priorities.

Capacity building and public awareness

16. Capacity building and institutional establishment to address climate change are key factors for sustaining efforts in developing countries. Some important factors are capacity building identifying technological needs, the assessment of technological options, and the successful adaptation of technologies to local conditions. Developed countries and international/intergovernmental organizations need to provide technical and financial assistance, particularly for training programs for technology transfer.

17. More efforts should be devoted to increase public awareness, training, and education among the relevant stakeholders in both developed and developing countries; to facilitate understanding and support for climate-friendly policies and measures; and to encourage actions to combat climate change through environmental education, information dissemination, media campaigns, and the strengthening of legal, institutional and administrative measures.

18. Community participation should be encouraged to address climate change. Subsequently, local governments could play a vital role in encouraging community participation to address climate change. Mass media can also play an important role in raising public awareness.


Strengthening of regional forums on climate change

19. The Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change, which began in 1991, has facilitated regional efforts in addressing climate change, as well as promoting awareness and exchange of experiences on the issue among the countries of the region. Considering the usefulness of such a forum, the results of the Asia-Pacific Seminar should be widely publicized.

20. Recognizing the international nature of the Asia-Pacific Seminar and the environmental expertise of the participants, future sessions of the Seminar could provide analytical presentations and discussions of important issues arising from the UNFCCC meetings. In this context, the Chairperson's Summary of the present and future sessions of the Seminar should be made public with the assistance of the UNFCCC Secretariat to the relevant sessions of subsidiary bodies of UNFCCC and the Conference of the Parties.

Regional information networking

21. Based on the discussions at various forums, including the previous sessions of the Asia-Pacific Seminar, it is necessary for many countries of the region to improve access to information relating to climate change that includes administrative and institutional aspects, climate-friendly technologies, and various potential projects.

22. Such requirements may be partly achieved through providing more user-friendly access to CC:INFO/Web country websites and existing relevant Internet websites by developing better links to those websites. These links should be established promptly to ensure better access to existing information without duplicating efforts and resources. Existing initiatives, such as the preparation of CC:INFO country websites, should also be enhanced.

23. Establishment and strengthening of national technology information centers may be promoted by GEF projects and other multilateral and bilateral projects. Further consideration should also be given to the development of a regional technology information center.

Promotion of research and study projects through APN, IRI, and other schemes

24. The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) has been playing an increasingly important role in facilitating research and studies on climate change in the region. Since more research and studies are needed in various fields, the APN should be strengthened and work in close cooperation with other scientific and technological bodies, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

25. Cooperation with the emerging International Research Institute (IRI) for Climate Prediction is encouraged, especially through the IRI Asia/Pacific Center. The potential climate information provided by the IRI regional center could be used to tailor information for regional applications.

Preparatory consultation on new mechanisms

26. The Kyoto Protocol established new mechanisms such as Joint Implementation among Annex I Parties, Emissions Trading, and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). However, many issues were left for further elaboration for the implementation of these mechanisms.

27. To effectively utilize these mechanisms, it is important for the countries in the region to actively investigate how to participate in CDM. The ways and means on how to reflect the results of the activities implemented jointly (AIJ) at the pilot phase may also need to be discussed. Appropriate forums should be initiated at the regional level for these discussions.

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[Appendix 2]

Proposed Outline and Structure of the Asia-Pacific Network on Climate Change (AP NET)

Outline of the AP NET

1. Objectives

The following are the objectives of the Asia-Pacific Network on Climate Change (AP NET).

  • i) To facilitate policy dialogue and consultations.
  • ii) To enhance the access to and usefulness of climate change-related information, in particular, on climate-friendly technologies.
  • iii) To facilitate information exchange concerning climate change-related programs and projects.
  • iv) To facilitate education and public awareness on climate change.

2. Target groups

The major target groups for the AP NET should initially be policy makers and government officials. Other groups, such as the scientific and business communities and NGOs, should be regarded as potential target groups and be included within the scope of the AP NET in the future. The information contained in the AP NET should be accessible for all these groups.

3. Major functions

The following are the major functions of the AP NET.

  • i) To provide information that is compatible with and complementary to existing networks.
  • ii) To serve as a clearinghouse to enable easier access to scientific and technological information on climate change.
  • iii) To serve as a website for those countries and organizations that do not have an Internet website on climate change provided that the information on climate change be submitted by electronic media.
  • iv) To support capacity building for developing national information inventories and Internet literacy on climate change.

4. Modality

The AP NET should offer various means of information exchange and communication. Networking methods should be developed on the Internet initially because use of the Internet is rapidly expanding, updated information can be easily obtained through the Internet, and information exchange is possible on a global level through the Internet. Because some countries in the region cannot connect to the Internet now, other methods to supply information, such as floppy diskettes (FD), CD-ROMs, and newsletters, may also be used. Because the AP NET will be developed on the Internet, it should enable easier and user-friendlier access to existing relevant websites. AP NET will consist of the two major components:

  • i) A gateway website to enhance accessibility to existing useful information on climate change, to provide information on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, and to provide information from relevant organizations.
  • ii) Individual websites to promote information exchange between countries of the region primarily through the format proposed in CC:INFO/Web.

5. Management

The gateway website will be developed, updated, and managed by the Environment Agency of Japan (EAJ) in conjunction with ECO ASIA NET, which is also developed by EAJ. The individual websites will be developed, updated, and managed by the individual countries of the region.

Structure of the AP NET

AP NET will contain two major components: the gateway web site and individual websites (see Attachment 1).

1.Gateway Web Site

Initially, the Top Page of the gateway web site will include the following items:

  • i) Links to and interfaces with CC:INFO/Web sites of individual countries of the region;
  • ii) Links to selected existing web sites on climate change;
  • iii) Information on climate change available for download upon request from the countries of the region and relevant organizations on the gateway website; and
  • iv) A search engine for the linked websites and the information uploaded on the gateway website.
1.1 Links to and interfaces with CC:INFO/Web sites of individual countries of the region

Clicking on this item displays two choices: by Country and by Subject

1.1.1 By Country

Clicking on "by Country" displays the names of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. When the name of a country is clicked on, the Top Page for that country's CC:INFO/Web site appears.

1.1.2 By Subject

Clicking on "by Subject" displays the information categories described on the CC:INFO/Web site with amendments if necessary. The information categories of the CC:INFO/Web are presented in Attachment 2.

Clicking on these items displays the names of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. If one clicks on a particular country name, a page appears that displays relevant information about that country.

1.2 Links to selected existing web sites on climate change (other than CC:INFO/Web)

Clicking on this item displays three choices: by Country, by Organization, and by Environmentally Sound Technologies. These choices provide easy access to existing information on climate change in individual countries and to information on environmentally sound technologies including climate protection.

1.2.1 By Country

Clicking on "by Country " displays the names of the countries. Clicking on a specific country name displays some simple user-friendly instructions and a menu for climate change-related sites provided by the main environmental entity of that country other than CC:INFO/Web sites. These explanations describe the site operator, information content, date of the latest update, and directions on how to easily access desired information. Clicking on a specific site from the list will display the Top Page for that site.

1.2.2 By Organization

Clicking on "by Organization" displays some simple user-friendly instructions and a list of climate change-related sites provided by international organizations. These explanations describe the site operator, information content, date of the latest update, and directions on how to easily access desired information. Clicking on a specific site from the list will display the Top Page for that site.

1.2.3 By Environmentally Sound Technologies

Clicking on this item displays a list of the sites of "Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs)" and some simple user-friendly instructions for use. These explanations describe the site operator, information content, date of the latest update, and advice for the retrieval of information on climate change-related technologies. Clicking on a site from the list will display the Top Page for that site.

1.3 Information on climate change available for download upon request on the gateway website

Clicking on this item displays a list of projects, countries, and organizations (international organizations, etc.). Clicking on a specific country name displays a list of topics for the information provided for download by that country to the gateway website operator. The description will depend upon the content and volume of the information provided. Clicking on a topic will display the information to be provided.

Clicking on the name of an organization or a project displays a listing of information provided by the pertinent entity, organized by subject. The description will depend upon the content and volume of the information to be provided Clicking on a subject will display the information to be provided.

1.4 A search engine for linked web sites and information uploaded on the gateway website

Clicking on this item displays a list of the names of countries in the region, international organizations, sites regarding ESTs, and a space to input key words. Users can conduct searches using "free keyword" retrieval that limits the subject for retrieval to one or more countries that the site operator(s) belong(s). Likewise, one can also perform "free keyword" retrieval that limits the search to sites provided by international organizations. Sites that permit "free keyword" searches will be limited to those linked with the gateway website. The results of a search will be provided via the Internet's URL addresses. Clicking on a specific address will display the indicated page.

2. Individual Websites

Individual websites should provide information in the format recommended in the CC:INFO/Web (presented in the Attachment 2) and should be developed and updated by individual countries. Information other than that listed in CC:INFO/Web categories or specific information subcategorized within those categories will also be welcomed.

Attachment 1

Structure of the AP NET

Attachment 2

Information Category in the CC:INFO/Web

  • i) The Convention and other official documents
    • (1) Text of the Convention
    • (2) Official documents of the negotiations
    • (3) Calendar of negotiations
    • (4) UNEP/IUC Climate Change Fact Sheets for Policy Makers
    • (5) Other reference materials on the Convention
  • ii) National communications
    • (1) Preparations for national communications
    • (2) National communications
  • iii) National coordination
    • (1) Introduction to the national climate committee
    • (2) Composition & structure of the national climate committee
    • (3) Functions of the national climate committee
  • iv) National legislation & policy
    • (1) National legislation
    • (2) National policy
  • v) National resources
    • (1) Organizations
    • (2) Individuals
    • (3) Studies & publications
  • vi) Activities
    • (1) Enabling activities
    • (2) Response measures
    • (3) Activities implemented jointly
    • (4) Workshops, seminars & meetings
    • (5) Transfer of technology
  • vii) Miscellaneous
    • (1) Announcements
    • (2) News briefs
    • (3) National focal point
    • (4) Related sites
    • (5) Background information