

1.開会のあいさつ  9:30-9:40


2.セッション1: 大気物理に関する調査研究 (9:40-12:23)


(1) Climatology and Meteorology of Indonesia in El Nino Year   
Manabu Yamanaka, Junichi Hamada, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RASC,Kyoto University) and Jun Matsumoto (Dept.Geography,University of Tokyo)           9:40-9:57

(2) Upper Air Observations in and around Indonesia: Present Status and Problems
Noriyuki Nishi (Dept.Geophysics, Kyoto University), Manabu Yamanaka and Shinya Ogino (RASC, Kyoto University)                      9:57-10:14

(3) Maritime Continent Climate Variability Research and its Future Direction
Tien Sribimawati (Agency of Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia)                                    10:14-10:31

(4) U-V Wind Component over Maritime Continent Indonesia during the Forest Fire Event,1997
Yunus S.Swarinoto, T.Sribimawati, S.Wirjohamidjojo, W.Sulisty and A.Zakir (Analyzing and Processing Centre,Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia)   10:31-10:48

(5)A Study of Aerosol Optical Properties of 97 Indonesian Forest Fire Event.
Teruyuki Nakajima (University of Tokyo) and Nobuo Takeuchi (University of Chiba)                                   10:48-11:05

(6) An Overview of the In-Situ Measurement Results at the GAW Station Sumatra over the Haze Period of 1997
Nurhayati, Tuti Mulyani and Edy Kleana (Analyzing and Processing Centre, Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia)           11:05-11:22

(7) Monitoring and Damage Assessment of Land/Forest Fires Using Satellite Remote Sensing Images
Soo Chin LIEW (Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing,National University of Singapore, Singapore)                       11:22-11:39

(8) Optical characterization and remote sensing of Amazon forest fire aerosols
   Lorraine Remer (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A.)       11:39-11:56

(9) The Effects of the Smoke of the Fires on Aerosol Concentrations and Sizes and Cloud Microphysical Properties                    11:56-12:13
Roelof T Bruintjes, Mimin Karmini, Wathana Sukarnjanaset and Prinya Sudhikoses (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA) 

(10) Lidar Observation of Aerosols over Jakarta
Nobuo Sugimoto, Ichiro Matsui ((National Institute for Environmental Studies) and M.Pinandito (Indonesian Institute of Science(LIPI))           12:13-12:23 
昼 食 12:23-13:30

3.セッション2:大気化学に関する調査研究 13:30-15:46


(1) Aircraft Observation of Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted/Produced from the 1997 Biomass Burning in Indonesia
Y.Makino, Y.Tsutsumi, M.Ikegami ,Y.Zaizen, Y.Sawa, K.Okada, H.Matsueda, and Y.Inoue (Meteorological Research Institute), J.Jensen, J,Gras (CSIRO, Australia), and H.Haryanto (MGA, Indonesia)                          13:30-13:47

(2) Observation of Atmospheric Trace Gases Arising from Indonesian Biomass Burning by Airplane between Narita and Australia
Hidekazu Matsueda (Meteorological Research Institute)         13:47-14:04

(3) Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted/Produced from the 1997 Biomass Burning in Indonesia                  14:04-14:21
--Chemical Analysis of Aerosols at Sumatra and Ozone over Peninsular Malaysia--
Haruo Tsuruta, Sei-ichiro Yonemura (National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences), Masayasu Hayashi (National Institute for Resources and Environment)
Yu-ichiro Sirasuna, Ko-ichiro Hirano (Yokohama Environmental Research Institute), Nurhayati, Aryana Yasin (Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia), Lim Sze Fook, Leong Chow Peng (Malaysian Meteorological Services)       

(4) Influence of the Indonesian Forest Fire on the Atmospheric Environment Revealed by Ozone Observations                        14:21-14:38
Masatomo Fujiwara (1), Shuji Kawakami (2), Kazuyuki Kita (1), Toshihiro Ogawa (1,2), Slamet Saraspriya (3), Agus Suripto (3) and Ninong Komala (3)
1: Dep.of Earth and Planetary Physics,University of Tokyo
2: Earth Observation Research Center,National Space Development Agency of
3: Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)

(5) Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted/Produced from the 1997 Biomass Burning in Indonesia ---Emission of Methyl Halide---
Shigeto Sudo (National institute of Agro-Environmental Science)     14:38-14:55

(6) Impact of Forest Fire on Increasing Green House Gases in Indonesia
Siti Asiati (Atmospheric Research and Development Center, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia)                  14:55-15:12

(7) Organic Compositions of the Aerosols Collected near the Forest Fire Sites in Indonesia
Kimitaka Kawamura, Yutaka Ishimura, Naohiko Ohkouchi (Hokkaido University) and Nobuo Takeuchi (Chiba University)                  15:12-15:24

(8) A Numerical Experiment on the Transportation of Air Parcels fromHot Spots in Indonesia                              15:29-15:46
Masayasu Hayashi and Shoichi Taguchi (National Institute for Resources and Environment)   

休 憩 15:46-16:00

4.セッション3:環境影響に関する調査研究 16:00-17:08


(1)Forest Fire and their Effects
   Kazuhiko Ogino (College of Agriculture, Ehime University)        16:00-16:17

(2) Forest Fires Effects on Insect Fauna
Koji Nakamura (Kanazawa University) and Kazuo Ishikawa (Matuyama Shinonome University)                            16:17-16:34

(3) Peat Fires in Jambi, Indonesia 
Yoshiaki Goto (Kansai Research Center,Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI))                             16:34-16:51

(4) The Correlation Between Hot Spot Distribution and Community Health as the Forest Fire Impact                             16:51-17:08
Hamdani Zain (Graduate Study Program in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, University of Indonesia), Hadiarto Mangunegoro (Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia) and Muchlisin Arif (Ground Station for Environmental and Climate Sattelite, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia)

5.全体討議、質疑 17:08-17:55


6.閉会の挨拶 17:55-18:00


7.レセプション 18:30-20:00