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Appendix 1 mPDF 129KBn
Species list of Shiretoko Peninsula and its coastal area
Appendix 2@mPDF 13KBn
List of slides for which authorization is given
Appendix 3@mPDF 342KBn
Legal instruments of protection applying to the nominated site
‚R|‚`FNature Conservation Law
‚R|‚aFNatural Parks Law
‚R|‚bFLaw on the Administration and Management of National Forests
‚R|‚cFNational Forests Administration and Management By law
‚R|‚dFSummary of the Wildlife Protection and Hunting LawProtected forest setting rule
‚R|‚eFSummary of the Wildlife Protection and Hunting Law
‚R|‚fFSummary of the Law for Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
‚R|‚gFLaw for the Protection of Cultural Properties
Appendix 4@mPDF 276KBn
Management plan and other plans applying to the nominated site
‚S|‚`FManagement Plan for the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Nominated Site
‚S|‚aFDesignation Document and Conservation Plan for Onnebetsudake Wilderness Area
‚S|‚bFPark Plan for Shiretoko National Park
‚S|‚cFRegional Administration and Management Plan (for National Forests)

Additional reference material
Slides and DVD
Official topographical maps (provided separately)