
B-8 気候変化に係わる雲の大気物理過程の解明に関する研究


高藪 緑(環境庁国立環境研究所大気圏環境部)








The state of generation and distribution of cloud systems over the earth has large influence on the global climate system through radiative feedback effects and also through the latent heat release accompanying the phase change of water. Therefore, it is required to predict the possible change in generation and distribution of cloud systems in order to discuss the problem of the climate change.  This study aims to clarify the dynamical and the thermodynamical processes associated with the organization of the cloud systems and to contribute to make an adequate model for simulating the clouds' role in climate system properly.

One approach to this issue is by data analysis using the satellite observed cloud data (infrared equivalent blackbody temperature data ) and the global meteorological data.  This year we have performed a case study of very distinguished organization of convective cloud systems, super cloud clusters, to describe how they are associated with dynamical structures. We elicited the 3-dimensional structures of the Kelvin wave-type eastward mode which was connected with the eastward propagating super cloud clusters and also of the vortex-type westward mode which was associated with the westward traveling cloud clusters, inner structure of super cloud clusters.

On the other hand, some simple GCM experiments were performed in order to compare the characteristics of the two different cumulus parameterization schemes ( by Kuo(1974) and Manabe et a1.(1985)).  The results show there are large differences in the synoptic scale (order of 1000km) behavior of the convective activities between the two experiments.