検索画面に戻る Go Research


[B-1.4 Study on atmospheric circulation and mass transport model for the tropospheric atmospheric system]

[Contact Person]

Itsushi Uno
Atmospheric Environment Division
National Institute for Environmental Studies
(present affiliation:
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
Kyushu University
Kasuga Park 6-1, Kasuga, Fukuoka, 816-8580, Japan
Tel: +81-92-583-7771 Fax: +81-92-583-7774
E-mail: iuno@riam.kyushu-u.ac.jp)

[Total Budget of FY1997-FY1999]

4,047,000 Yen (FY 1997; 4,047,000 Yen)


      To have a comprehensive description of tropospheric atmospheric system, a chemical transport model (on-line transport model) coupled with Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RMS,Pielke et al.,1992) are developed. To study a performance of this on-line transport model, numerical case study during the Baiu season was conducted. Model study was compared with extensive field observation. It was found that the location of rainy meso-front plays an important role for sulfate concentration level in Japan and Korea. Numerical results also indicates the importance of wet removal processes near rainy meso-front region.

[Key Words]

atmospheric circulation model, chemical transport model, sulfate, wet/dry deposition