Press Release

May 17, 2024
  • Global Environment

15th Petersberg Climate Dialogue

The 15th Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) was held from April 25 to 26, 2024 in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.
From Japan, MATSUZAWA Yutaka (Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment), Mr. MIZUNO Yuji (Senior Negotiator for Climate Change, Climate Change Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and other officials attended the meeting.
The details are as follows.

1. Overview of PCD

1.Date and location:

April 25and 26, 2024, in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany


Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Azerbaijan


Ministers from Germany, Azerbaijan (Presidency of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP29)), major developed and developing countries, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Secretariat, and others. From Japan, MATSUZAWA Yutaka (Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment), Mr. MIZUNO Yuji (Senior Negotiator for Climate Change, Climate Change Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and other officials participated in the meeting.

2. Summary of Discussions

Keynote speeches were delivered by H.E. Ms. Annalena BAERBOCK, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany and H.E. Mr. Mukhtar BABAYEV, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan. Furthermore, discussions were held on key topics such as an international funding framework to advance ambitions and implementation towards the success of COP29 scheduled to be held in Azerbaijan in November 2024, the international financial framework on ambition and implementation, a new collective quantified goal on climate finance (NCQG) that is fit for purpose, effective and fair and designing national climate plans for investment aligned with 1.5°C and climate resilient development.
After the conference, the co-hosts issued a summary of the main discussions. The summary was prepared under the responsibility of the co-hosts, and is as follows:
(The full text of the summary is as per attached)
 ○ Co-Chair Summary (excerpt)
For fifteen years, the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) has provided an important forum for high-level political discussions on climate cooperation in preparation of the annual UN Climate Conferences. This year’s co-chairs – Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock and COP29 President Designate Mukhtar Babayev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan – welcomed Ministers, and high-level representatives of 37 countries, alongside the UNFCCC Executive Secretary, representatives of UNFCCC observer constituencies, civil society, business and youth delegates. Governor of California Gavin Newsom delivered a virtual keynote.
H.E. Mr. Olaf Scholz, the Federal Chancellor of Germany and H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan addressed the High-Level Segment of the PCD. Chancellor Scholz underlined that building on the success of COP28 and the Paris Agreement with national climate plans makes economic sense, pointing out the European Green Deal as climate action and growth package. He stressed that Germany kept its promise of delivering 6 billion EUR of climate finance from budgetary resources in 2022 and pointed to updated NDCs as an opportunity for all countries to safeguard investments in green technologies. President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude to the international community for the trust shown towards Azerbaijan, as it has been unanimously chosen to host COP29. He reaffirmed Azerbaijan's strong commitment to make a meaningful contribution to addressing the challenges posed by climate change and make COP29 a success.
The PCD focused on implementation to keep 1.5°C within reach. The central importance of a decision on the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) in COP29, as well as scaling up finance and investment was clear to all, as was the role that 1.5°C aligned national climate plans (NDCs) can play in catalyzing economy-wide transformation; participants also recognized the importance of engaging finance and economy Ministers in this undertaking.

3. Other

From Japan, MATSUZAWA Yutaka, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment called for all countries, especially major economies, to submit their next round of NDCs that are ambitious, economy-wide, absolute emission reduction targets covering all GHGs, and aligned with the 1.5°C target, as informed by the latest science, based on the outcome of the first Global Stocktake at COP28. In addition, he stated that Japan would share its knowledge and experience in reducing HFCs and methane emissions from the waste sector, contributing to global reductions of non-CO2 gases. Furthermore, he called on countries around the world to submit biennial transparency reports well ahead of COP29 and to commit to fully operationalize Article 6, and expressed a strong commitment to contribute to the success of COP29.