Workshop 2020

The Workshop 2020 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes was held from 19 to 20 November 2020 online. It was co-organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia (BCRC-SEA).

※All the documents have been uploaded with the consent of the copyright holders.


Theme Presenters
Intersessional work for COP15 to the Basel Convention BRS Secretariat 2.39MB
Discussion of the previous workshops on plastic wastes and results of the questionnaire Asian Network Secretariat 2.93MB
Country update and response to plastic amendment Brunei MB
Cambodia 63KB
Hong Kong SAR 1.29MB
Indonesia 425KB
Japan 967KB
Lao PDR 194KB
Malaysia 1.63MB
Myanmar 2.78MB
Philippines 664KB
Singapore 667KB
Thailand 2.26MB
Vietnam 576KB
Review of plastic waste generation and trade in Asia BCRC-China 1.32MB
Response to plastic waste amendment by ASEAN BCRC-SEA 399KB
EU/IMPEL approach to the Basel plastic waste amendments IMPEL-TFS 838KB