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Press Release

Commemorative Event to Mark the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol Detailed Program Announcement

February 9, 2005

Ministry of the Environemnt hereby releases the program of the Commemorative Event to Mark the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol. The event will be held to commemorate the occasion at the Kyoto International Conference Hall on Wednesday 16 February 2005, hosted by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan in conjunction with the Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City.

The Ministry of the Environment of Japan, in conjunction with the governments of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City, will hold an event on Wednesday 16 February to commemorate the entry into force of Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted at the Third Conference of the Parties to the Convention (UNFCC COP3) on this day. The event will be held with the Minister for the Environment Yuriko Koike in attendance at the Kyoto International Conference Hall, where COP3 itself took place, under the title of “Commemorative Event to Mark the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol: Kyoto Protocol Enters into Force! – Messages from around the World”

Detailed program of this event is provided on the attached sheet.

 A real-time video broadcast of the entire event as well as linkages with other events taking place outside Japan will be delivered to the worldwide community by live streaming video in the webpage ( ).
On demand video streaming will also be available on the same address after the event.

*Contact point:
Takashi OHMURA
Deputy Director
Policy and Coordination Division, Global Environment Bureau,
Ministry of the Environment, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-5521-8243 FAX: +81-3-3504-1634 Web:

* Commemorative Event to Mark the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol:
Kyoto Protocol Enters into Force! – Messages from around the World

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