References of Basic Information

National Land Numerical Information

Data source of Environmental / Habitat Information

Bathymetric topography name list. Hydrographic and Oceanographic Departmen, Japan Coast Guard.  (in Japanese)

<Sea mount>
Bathymetric topography name list. Hydrographic and Oceanographic Departmen, Japan Coast Guard.  (in Japanese)

<Trench (Bathymetric data)>
Amante, C. and B. W. Eakins. 2009. ETOPO11 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-24, 19 pp
Becker, J. J., D. T. Sandwell, W. H. F. Smith, J. Braud, B. Binder, J. Depner, D. Fabre, J. Factor, S. Ingalls, S-H. Kim, R. Ladner, K. Marks, S. Nelson, A. Pharaoh, G. Sharman, R. Trimmer, J. vonRosenburg, G. Wallace, P. Weatherall. 2009. Global Bathymetry and Elevation Data at 30 Arc Seconds Resolution: SRTM30_PLUS, Marine Geodesy, 32:4, 355-371
Satellite Geodesy at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego/SRTM30_PLUS.
Smith, W. H. F., and D. T. Sandwell. 1997. Global seafloor topography from satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings, Science, v. 277, p. 1957-1962, 26 Sept.

<Other data>
Misawa, Y., M. Kadota, and S. Matsui. 2007. Submarine topography, geology of the eastern part of the Suruga Bay and basement complex of the Izu PeninsulaBull. Inst. Oceanic Res. & Develop., Tkai Univ., 28:1-12. (in Japanese)
Tokuyama, E., E. Honza, M. Kimura, S. Kuramoto, J. Ashi, N. Okamura, H. Arato, Y. Ito, W. Soh, R. Hino, T. Nohara, H. Abe, S. Sakai, and K. Mukaiyama. 2001. Techtonic development in the reasons around Japan since latest Miocene. Journal of the Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technoogy 13(1): 27-53 AttachmentCD-ROM (in Japanese)
Rex M.A. 1973. Deep-sea species diversity: decreased gastropod diversity at abyssal depths, Science 181:1051–1053.
Rex M.A. 1976. Biological accommodation in the deep-sea benthos: comparative evidence on the importance of predation and productivity, Deep-Sea Res 23:975–987.

References of Characteristics in Offshore Seafloor

Fujikura, K. T. Okutani and T. Maruyama. 2008. Deep-sea Life Biological observation using research submersibles. Tokai University Press, 512pp. (in Japanese)
Iwasaki, N. ed. 2008. Biohistory of Precious Corals. Tokai University Press. 364 pp. (in Japanese)
Japan Oceanographic Data Center ed. 1985.Ocean bottom topography, Bird's-eye view. Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (not for sale) pp111. (in Japanese)
Misawa, Y., M. Kadota, and S. Matsui. 2007. Submarine topography, geology of the eastern part of the Suruga Bay and basement complex of the Izu PeninsulaBull. Inst. Oceanic Res. & Develop., Tkai Univ., 28:1-12. (in Japanese)
Mukai, H. and N. Haseyama, 1976. Resent knowledges on ecology of the Japanese giant crab, Macrocheira kaempferi de Haan.Japanese Association of Benthology 11/12. (in Japanese)
Miyazato, S., S. Seino, A.Tai, Y. Hada, and I. Hosoi. 2012. Development f a basic methodology for designing a marine pretected area in the coastal zone of Tsushima Island, Nagasaki, Japan. Paper of Japan Society of Civil Engineers B3 (marine development),Vol.68(No.2),pp. I 534-539. (in Japanese)
Nonaka, M. and K. Muzik. 2009. Recent harvest records of commercially valuable precious corals in the Ryukyu Archipelago. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 397: 269–278.
Nonaka, T. and Iwahashi, Y. 1987. Some Aspects and Problems on Fisheries of Giant Spider. Crab Macrocheira kaempferi (TEMMICK). The SUISANZOSHIKU 35(1): 21-26. (in Japanese)
Okutani, T. ed. 2000. Marine mollusks in Japan. Tokai University Press. 1173 pp. (in Japanese)
Suzuki, K. 1991. Coral, Cultural history of things and human beings, series 91 Hosei University Press. (in Japanese)
Tokuyama, E., E. Honza, M. Kimura, S. Kuramoto, J. Ashi, N. Okamura, H. Arato, Y. Ito, W. Soh, R. Hino, T. Nohara, H. Abe, S. Sakai, and K. Mukaiyama. 2001. Techtonic development in the reasons around Japan since latest Miocene. Journal of the Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technoogy 13(1): 27-53 AttachmentCD-ROM (in Japanese)
Tushima city, Marine Reserve Science Committee Report, (in Japanese)
Rex M.A. 1973. Deep-sea species diversity: decreased gastropod diversity at abyssal depths, Science 181:1051–1053.

Data source of Species Information: species distribution data, data of species which meet the Criteria in Offshore Seafloor

Fisheries Agency ed. 2000. Data Book on rare wild aquatic life in Japan. Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association.466pp.
GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility )data portal. (‎)
Matsuura, K. provided, Endemic Fish Species list
Nakaya, K. 2011. SHARK Kings of the ocean. Bookman sha co.,Ltd. 237pp. (in Japanese)
OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System): OBIS. 2012. Data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. (

GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility )data portal. (‎)
Komai, T. provided. Endemic Species list of Crustacea.
OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System): OBIS. 2012. Data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. (

GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility )data portal. (‎)
Nakamura K, C.A. Child. 1991. Pycnogonida from waters adjacent to Japan. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 512: 1-74.
Nakamura K, C.A. Child. 1983. Shallow-water Pycnogonida from the Izu Peninsura, Japan. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 386:1-71
OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System): OBIS. 2012. Data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. (

<Cnidarian(coral, sea anemone)>
GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility )data portal. (‎)
Imahara Y. 1996. Previously Recorded Octocorals from Japan and Adjacent Seas.  Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 4-5: 17-44. (in Japanese)
IUNC Red List: IUCN. 2012. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (
Iwasaki, N. ed. 2008. Biohistory of Precious Corals. Tokai University Press. 364 pp. (in Japanese)
Kotaro S., M. Kusakabe, S. Nakai, T. Ishii, T. Watanabe, H. Hiyagon and Y. Sano, 2005. Deep-sea coral geochemistry: Implication for the vital effect. Chemical Geology, 224: 212-222.
OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System): OBIS. 2012. Data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. ( Yanagi, K. provided data. Endemic Species list of sea anemone.

<Mollusca (Gastropoda, bivalvia, Cephalopoda)>
Fujikura, K. T. Okutani and T. Maruyama. 2008. Deep-sea Life Biological observation using research submersibles. Tokai University Press, 512pp. (in Japanese)
GBIF (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility )data portal. (‎)IUNC Red List: IUCN. 2012. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (
Kubodera, T. and K. Fujikura, eds. 2013. The deep: Challenges and amazing creatures in Special Exhibition at National Museum of Nature and Science,Tokyo. (in Japanese)
OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System): OBIS. 2012. Data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. (
Okutani, T. ed. 2000. Marine mollusks in Japan. Tokai University Press. 1173 pp. (in Japanese)