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MOE home > Nature and Parks > EBSA home > Coastal Area > 22601 Adjacent waters of Hegurajima Island


Coastal Area 22601 Adjacent waters of Hegurajima Island

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Relevant municipalities Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture
Area (km2) 35

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected by MARXAN software.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

These are the waters in the vicinity of Hegurajima Island vicinity (about 50 km north of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture) While the northern side has numerous cliffs and shore reefs, the southern side has a gentle slope, with fishing harbors and sandy beaches. Sargassum beds have formed in the vicinity of Hegurajima Island, and although extensive surveys have not been conducted it is thought that numerous rare warm-water species may be distributed here (Ministry of the Environment, 2001). A diver reports that these highly productive waters are rich in abalone, turban shell, wakame, agar, and others (Hokkoku Shimbun Publishing Bureau, 2010). Hegurajima Island also is an excellent resting place for birds migrating between the Asian continent and the Japan archipelago, making it one of Japan’s leading bird-watching destinations. About 300 species of birds have been confirmed here.

Environment / Habitat infromation A separate window opensData source

Tidal mud flats (km2)
Moba (seaweed bed) (km2) 4.5
Coral reef coverage (km2)
Natural coast (km) 4.4
Rate of natural coast (%) 82.2
Sand bank / submerged sand bank
Other habitats

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source

Criteria 1
Riparia riparia (Sand Martin)
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Angustassiminea castanea
Criteria 2
Apus pacificus (Pacific Swift)[Br/Ne]
Monticola solitarius (Blue Rock-thrush)[Br/Ne]
Phalacrocorax capillatus (Japanese Cormorant)
Phalacrocorax capillatus (Japanese Cormorant)[Br/Ne]
Larus crassirostris (Black-tailed Gull)
Larus crassirostris (Black-tailed Gull)[Br/Ne]
Larus schistisagus (Slaty-backed Gull)
Larus schistisagus (Slaty-backed Gull)[Br/Ne]
Charadrius dubius (Little Ringed Plover)[Br/Ne]
Riparia riparia (Sand Martin)[Br/Ne]
Larus ridibundus (Black-headed Gull)
Criteria 7
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Truncatella pfeifferi
<Vascular Plants>
Triglochin asiaticum

* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.
Abbreviation in the information is as follows.
[Br/Ne] : Adjacent water of breeding area or nesting site
[Sp] : spawning area
[Ad] : species not used for analysis but add to the list because inhabit information was collected later
[Ex] : species used for analysis but considered to be possibly extinct in the EBSA region (area)
No mark : data of species distribution


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