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MOE home > Nature and Parks > EBSA home > Coastal Area > 14901 Adjacent waters of Kerama Islands


Coastal Area 14901 Adjacent waters of Kerama Islands

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Relevant municipalities Zamami, Tokashiki, Okinawa Prefecture
Area (km2) 318

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected due to high levels for the criteria 1, 3, 4 and 7, and selected by MARXAN software.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

These are the waters in the vicinity of the Kerama Islands. The Kerama Islands are a leading region where rare species are identified, with fringing coral reefs and a high degree of diversity of species. Corl of these are an important source of larva on the coral reef in Nansei islands (Ministry of the Environment, 2001). Coral reefs are distributed densely in these highly transparent waters. The waters in the vicinity of Yakabijima Island and Kubajima Island are both important green turtle and loggerhead turtle spawning grounds and home to a valuable ecosystem in which the Ryukyu odd-tooth snake (a species of Colubridae) come down to the shore to eat hatchlings of sea turtles. They also are a feeding ground for green turtle and hawksbill turtle (Ministry of the Environment, 2001; Kamezaki, Taniguchi, 2013; Miyahira et al., 2000; Tomiyama and Miyahira, 2007). These also are important waters where humpback whales raise their young in the winter (Ogasawara Maritime Center and Kato, 2002; Calambokids et al., 2001).

Environment / Habitat infromation A separate window opensData source

Tidal mud flats (km2)
Moba (seaweed bed) (km2)
Coral reef coverage (km2) 2.6
Natural coast (km) 136.1
Rate of natural coast (%) 93.2
Sand bank / submerged sand bank
Other habitats

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source

Criteria 1
Echinogorgia asper
Paratelesto rosea
Criteria 2
Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback whale)
Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Turtle)
Chelonia mydas mydas (Green Turtle)
Criteria 3
Emydocephalus ijimae (Ijima's Sea Snake)
Acropora acuminata
Acropora anthocercis
Acropora aspera
Acropora dendrum
Acropora donei
Acropora echinata
Acropora microclados
Acropora polystoma
Acropora tenella
Acropora verweyi
Acropora willisae
Alveopora verrilliana
Galaxea astreata
Heliopora coerulea
Leptoria irregularis
Lobophyllia diminuta
Montipora angulata
Montipora caliculata
Pachyseris rugosa
Pectinia alcicornis
Pectinia lactuca
Platygyra yaeyamaensis
Pocillopora elegans
Porites attenuata
Porites horizontalata
Porites nigrescens
Turbinaria reniformis
Criteria 4
Annella mollis
Annella reticulata
Echinogorgia asper
Isis hippuris
Junceella fragilis
Menella praelonga
Paraplexaura asper
Paratelesto rosea
Rumphella aggregata
Subergorgi verriculata
Subergorgia mollis
Subergorgia suberosa
Criteria 7
Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Turtle)
Chelonia mydas mydas (Green Turtle)
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Neritina pulligera
Neritina plumbea
Sermyla riqueti

* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.
Abbreviation in the information is as follows.
[Br/Ne] : Adjacent water of breeding area or nesting site
[Sp] : spawning area
[Ad] : species not used for analysis but add to the list because inhabit information was collected later
[Ex] : species used for analysis but considered to be possibly extinct in the EBSA region (area)
No mark : data of species distribution


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