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Coastal Area 14103 Northern Beppu Bay

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Relevant municipalities Kitsuki, Hiji, Oita Prefecture
Area (km2) 47

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected due to high levels for the criteria 1, 2, 3 and 7, and selected by MARXAN software.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

These are the waters from the vicinity of Toyooka deep in Beppu Bay to the Port of Morie. The tidal mud flats in the vicinity of the Kobukae fishing port are home to abundant rare shellfish including Platyvindex sp., Serratina capsoides and others in addition to fiddler crabs and Uca lactea lacteal. At the Maehama tidal mud flats in the vicinity of the mouth of the Yasaka River in Morie Bay live the rare species of Japanese horseshoe crab and small-scale whiting. A distinguishing feature of these waters is their abundance of species seen only rarely in other areas, such as Chaetopterus variopedatus, common Orient clam, Phacosoma japonicum, and Macrophthalmus abbreviatus. The saltwater marshlands at the mouth of the Yasaka River are rich in Ellobium chinense. The vicinity of the mouth of the Yasaka River is visited by snipe and plover, with comparatively large numbers of species and populations during the spring and fall migrations and wintering here. At least 0.25% of the minimum estimated population of black-bellied plover, lesser sand plover, and dunlin have been recorded here. Little curlew, common redshank, and Far Eastern curlew have been recorded here as well. Small-scale whiting live on the Buzen coast and in northern Beppu Bay (Ministry of the Environment, 2001). In addition, the rare species Pyropia tenera (designated an endangered species by the Ministry of the Environment) has been confirmed to inhabit the area of the Amamura River mouth (Ito et al., 2014).

Environment / Habitat infromation A separate window opensData source

Tidal mud flats (km2) 4
Moba (seaweed bed) (km2) 2.6
Coral reef coverage (km2)
Natural coast (km) 19.5
Rate of natural coast (%) 44.5
Sand bank / submerged sand bank
Other habitats

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source

Criteria 1
Branta bernicla (Brent Goose)
Tadorna tadorna (Common Shelduck)
Gymnogobius uchidai
Uca arcuata
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Cyclina sinensis
Angustassiminea castanea
Cerithidea ornata
Meretrix lusoria
Corbicula japonica
<Other invertebrate>
Pseudopotamilla myriops
Criteria 2
Neophocaena phocaenoides (Fineless porpoise)
Larus crassirostris (Black-tailed Gull)
Larus crassirostris (Black-tailed Gull)[Br/Ne]
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant)[Br/Ne]
Egretta sacra (Pacific Reef-egret)[Br/Ne]
Sterna albifrons (Little Tern)
Sterna albifrons (Little Tern)[Br/Ne]
Charadrius dubius (Little Ringed Plover)[Br/Ne]
Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish Plover)[Br/Ne]
Larus saundersi (Saunder's Gull)
Larus argentatus (European Herring Gull)
Pandion haliaetus (Osprey)[Br/Ne]
Larus ridibundus (Black-headed Gull)
Ammodytes personatus (Japanese sand lance)[Sp]
Engraulis japonicus (Japanese anchovy)[Sp]
Pagrus major (Red seabream)[Sp]
Tachypleus tridentatus (Horseshoe club)
Criteria 3
Sterna albifrons (Little Tern)
Larus saundersi (Saunder's Gull)
Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel)
Gymnogobius uchidai
Cicindela lewisi
Chiromantes haematocheir
Helice (Helice) tridens
Uca arcuata
Ilyoplax pusilla
Uca lactea
Macrophthalmus japonicus
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Serratina diaphana
Ellobium chinense
Cyclina sinensis
Melampus sincaporensis
Cerithidea ornata
Littorina brevicula
Auriculastra duplicata
Meretrix lusoria
Soletellina adamsii
<Other invertebrate>
Chaetopterus cautus
Pseudopotamilla myriops
<Vascular Plants>
Suaeda malacosperma
Criteria 7
Luciogobius guttatus (Flat-headed goby)
Macrophthalmus abbreviatus
Tachypleus tridentatus (Horseshoe club)
Uca arcuata
Uca lactea
Macrophthalmus japonicus
<Bivalva, Gastropoda>
Serratina diaphana
Umbonium moniliferum
Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis
Cerithidea ornata
Meretrix lusoria
Cerithidea rhizophorarum
Cerithideopsilla cingulata
Soletellina adamsii
Corbicula japonica
<Vascular Plants>
Aster tripolium (Sea aster)
Triglochin asiaticum
Suaeda malacosperma
Artemisia fukudo

* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.
Abbreviation in the information is as follows.
[Br/Ne] : Adjacent water of breeding area or nesting site
[Sp] : spawning area
[Ad] : species not used for analysis but add to the list because inhabit information was collected later
[Ex] : species used for analysis but considered to be possibly extinct in the EBSA region (area)
No mark : data of species distribution


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