Press Release

April 21, 2011
  • Water & Soil

Public Comments Invited Regarding the "Proposal for the Registration of Withholding Standards for Agricultural Chemicals"

The MOE is inviting public comments regarding the "Proposal for the Registration of Withholding Standards for Agricultural Chemicals". Comments will be accepted from April 21, 2011 to May 20, 2011.
The proposal will establish the registration withholding standards for the prevention of damage to aquatic animals and plants for 5 agricultural chemicals (ethofumesate, spirotetramat, procymidone, methoxyfenozide and EPN).
This standard will be established under Paragraph 2, Article 3 of the Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law.
All procedures related to this invitation will be conducted in Japanese and comments must also be submitted in Japanese.
For further information, please visit the MOE's website, (in Japanese only).

For Japanese