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Japan Environment Quarterly (JEQ)
Volume 16 | February 2017

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Voice of MOE Family in the World

Lead-Free Graffiti


Eisaku Toda

Senior Programme Officer, Chemicals and Waste Brance, Economy Division, United Nations Environment Programme

Graffiti depicting move to lead free future
Logo: Global Alliance to Eiminate Lead Paint

UN Environment works to eliminate the use of lead in paint. Lead is toxic to humans, especially young children and pregnant women. Lead paint has been out of the market since decades ago in developed countries including Japan, but it is still available in many developing countries.

UNEP organizes a Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint with the World Health Organization and around 60 partners, including governments, international organizations, industry and NGOs. The Alliance aims at introducing a ban on lead paint in all countries by 2020.

Lead paint was one of the issues highlighted at the second United Nations Environment Assembly held in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2016. In the margins of the Assembly, we organized a publicity event to produce an open-air graffiti on a large canvas using lead free paint. Ministers and senior officials took up a brush or a spray can to contribute to the graffiti. We need some fun between serious meetings!

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