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Asia-Pacific Seminar Archives

6th Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change 4-8 November 1996, Suva, Fiji Chairperson's Summary


  1. Attendance
  2. Major objectives of the seminar
  3. Conduct of the seminar
  4. GHG inventories and national communications
  5. Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies
  6. Regional cooperation on climate change
  7. Activities implemented jointly (AIJ)

The Sixth Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change was held in Suva, Fiji from 4-8 November 1996, hosted by the Environment Agency of Japan, the Government of Fiji and the University of the South Pacific in cooperation with the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Secretariat of the South Pacific Forum (SPU), the United States Country Studies Program, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.


The seminar was attended by experts from twenty six countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, India, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, New Zealand, Niue, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, the United States of America, Vanuatu, Vietnam and Western Samoa. The seminar was also attended by representatives of ESCAP, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), SPREP, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Secretariat of UNFCCC. The representatives from Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Yamanashi Prefectural Government of Japan also attended the seminar. The seminar's participants were unanimous in their deep gratitude to the sponsors for enabling such a well organized and valuable exchange of concepts and experiences relating to climate change and related topics.

2.Major objectives of the seminar

The major objectives of the seminar were to exchange information, experiences and views on climate change among countries of the region and facilitate the steps to address the climate change problems in the region. To this end, the seminar was convened:

  1. to discuss and facilitate the preparation process of the national communications among the countries of the region, through the exchange of experiences and discussions on the status of implementation of the preparation of initial communications from Parties not included in Annex I;
  2. to review the outcomes of a series of studies on vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies in South Pacific, and discuss the possibility to apply the results to other parts of the region;
  3. to discuss possible regional mechanisms to facilitate the access to the latest scientific and technological information on climate change; and
  4. to exchange information on the progress on the activities implemented jointly (AIJ) and the ways to facilitate the process in the region.

3.Conduct of the seminar

The seminar commenced with an opening address by Mr. Hironori Hamanaka, Director General, Global Environment Department, the Environment Agency of Japan, and welcome speech by Rt. Hon Vilisoni Cagimaivei, the Minister of Urban Development, Housing and the Environment, the Government of Fiji. The keynote address entitled "Recent progress of the international negotiations on Berlin Mandate process" was delivered by H.E. Mr. Slade, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations and the Vice-chairman of AOSIS. The seminar then elected Ambassador Slade as Chairperson, Mr. Epeli Nasome (Fiji), Professor Mimura (Japan) and Dr. Fitzgerald (USA) as Vice-chairpersons.

4.GHG inventories and national communications

Reviewing the present status of the preparation of national communications in the countries of the region on the basis of responses from questionnaires sent to participants, the participants discussed the difficulties encountered, lessons learned and shared experiences in the preparation of national communications among the countries of the region. The participants at the outset pointed out that exchanges such as these are important in providing a common platform to countries to discuss the requirements contained in the Framework Convention on Climate Change on national communications from both Annex I and non-Annex I Parties.

The participants stressed the need to fully take into account their economic and social development concerns and respective capacities. It was noted that implementation by non-Annex I Parties of the requirements under the Convention is dependent on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments under the Convention related to financial resources and transfer of technology. It was also noted that the timing of submission of the initial communications is within three years of entry into force of the Convention for a Party or of the availability of financial resources and that Parties that are less developed countries may make their initial communications at their discretion.

The participants discussed and grouped their concerns in five areas, namely: institutional, human resources, data and information, technical and financial. They advanced the following broad conclusions recognizing the interlinkages that exist among these five areas.

Many felt that for small island countries whose contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is minimal, adaptation is a priority. The participants noted that the guidelines provide flexibility for the preparation of initial communications from non-Annex I Parties. The participants also noted that they need assistance to comply with these guidelines. It was emphasized that non-Annex I Parties need technical and financial assistance for enabling activities that would result in sustainable capacities to comply with the guidelines.

It was strongly suggested that each country consider designating one full time individual, and where circumstances permit, a technical team responsible for climate change studies and information exchange for the preparation of initial communications. The team approach would also help build and maintain institutional memory. In addition, interagency coordination among all relevant sectors was encouraged. Many participants pointed out that high level political awareness and interest at all levels is crucial for taking the necessary actions.

Some participants emphasized the requirements for strengthening institutions in non-Annex I Parties. It was recommended that strengthening of institutions be achieved through transfer of technologies, materials, equipment, access to the latest information, methods and techniques such as e-mail and Internet.

It is important that technical experts come from within the country, or at any rate from the same geographic region. Where experts outside the region are needed, their primary role should be to develop and strengthen endogenous capacity. A key element is training of local experts in the application of methodologies and in developing ability to use and adapt models for the preparation of national communications.

It was widely felt that there are gaps in activity data, and that each country collect, store and aggregate such data and have it available at a single national center. It was pointed out that further research for generating country-specific conversion factors for priority gases need to be addressed on a priority basis. It was felt that it is desirable to identify regional mechanisms to support the work and act as a repository of data and information, and to provide technical support.

Networking at local, national and regional levels among all relevant actors was considered important for facilitating exchange of experiences, data and information. Tools such as access to and wide participation through Internet could be a cost effective means for the provision of technical support. It was also felt that regional mechanisms should be identified to provide technical support through better use of existing regional institutions and national expertise from other countries of the region.

Finally participants emphasized the current and future need for financial assistance and were informed of the new procedures for expedited project approval in GEF. Some countries have received support for studies that will provide inputs to the national communications. But it was stressed that additional activities may be needed for the preparation and periodic updating of national communications, in accordance with the approved guidelines. Finance for the agreed full costs for the preparation of initial communications is to be provided by GEF, upon request, to the non-Annex I Parties.

5.Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies

The participants reviewed the present status of vulnerability assessment and planning for adaptation in the preparation of national communications in the countries of the region. It was noted that developing countries in general, and small island countries and countries with low lying areas in particular, will have adaptation burden such as increased cooling requirements, the need to switch to different crops and crop patterns, the loss of livelihood dependent on marine resources, the loss of economic infrastructure and resettlement of people due to sea level rise.

The participants discussed the concept, framework, procedures, and constraints of adaptation strategies. It was recognized that a no-regrets strategy, which can be defined as measures beneficial even if climate change and sea level rise projections do not eventuate, is a good way to start adaptation planning. It is also effective to incorporate adaptation measures into existing social and economic development policies, such as land use planning, environmental conservation, resource management planning, and sustainable development. Integrated Coastal Zone Management, in particular, was recognized as an adaptation strategy to deal with the environment and climate change in order to achieve economic sustainability in coastal and small islands countries.

In reviewing adaptation strategies currently underway in some of the countries in the region, the participants identified the following constraints: lack of data and information, lack of methodologies for vulnerability assessment applicable to countries in the region, limited human resources, and poor coordination within and between agencies.

The participants concluded that:

  • there is a need for human resources development with respect to dealing with climate change issues, particularly those pertaining to adaptation strategies.
  • there is an urgent need for information and data relating to climate change and sea level rise to make informed decisions with respect to adaptation options. There is a serious need for collection, handling, maintaining, storing and accessing data relating to climate change and sea level rise in the region.
  • there is a need for local, national and regional institutional arrangements and strengthening these to facilitate development of policy and activities pertaining to climate change and sea level rise.
  • there is a need for local, national, sub-regional and regional vulnerability assessments. There is a perceived need for development of a common methodology with the sub-regional and regional focus.
  • there is a perceived need for a stronger commitment for public awareness and education at all levels, particularly through a process of identifying adaptation strategies.
  • adaptation policy options should be integrated into national sustainable development policies.
  • Article 4.4 of the UNFCCC is significant in seeking assistance for adaptation measures.

6.Regional cooperation on climate change

Given the global nature of environmental issues like climate change, the need for global cooperation was stressed.

The participants took note of the regional activities on climate change being undertaken by UNDP, ESCAP, SPREP, the University of the South Pacific (USP), South Pacific Applied Commission (SOPAC) and others. It was agreed that such regional activities should be continued and strengthened. The participants welcomed the initiative of ESCAP on development of the proposed regional network on climate change, and suggested that it be coordinated with other initiatives such as the annual Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change. It was emphasized that national and regional technical institutions should be involved to the extent possible in such activities.

The participants agreed that the crucial areas for regional cooperation include: capacity building and human resources development; research projects to assess regional and sub-regional vulnerability; monitoring of sea level rise; preparation of regional and/or sub-regional data bases on climate change; and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. Taking into account existing efforts and information, a directory detailing availability and accessibility of environmentally sound technologies should be prepared on a priority basis.

Recognizing that various other initiatives relating to climate change are currently underway in this region, the participants stressed the need for stocktaking of activities relating to climate change, to avoid duplication with other initiatives and to make best use of scarce resources. It was pointed out that for regional activities, existing regional organizations should be used to the extent possible.

Besides activities by national governments and by regional and international organizations, it was felt that local governments could also play a vital role in promoting regional cooperation. In this connection, the participants took note with appreciation of the climate action plans of Tokyo metropolitan Government and Yamanashi Prefectural Government of Japan.

7.Activities implemented jointly (AIJ)

The participants noted the conclusions of the Workshop on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies and Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ), and AIJ activities in the region, recognizing that AIJ projects are voluntary activities and not mandatory for the Parties to UNFCCC. Some participants expressed their interest in identifying and implementing AIJ projects, indicating that feasibility studies are needed before proceeding to AIJ investment projects. In this connection, it was pointed out that technical support for the preparation of AIJ projects is vitally needed.

It was pointed out that some methodological issues, such as calculations of baseline emissions and long-term tracking of actual greenhouse gas reductions need to be further elaborated. Methodologies to evaluate the results of AIJ projects also need to be developed.

The participants emphasized the importance of developing an institutional framework for AIJ in both developed and developing countries. Countries should encourage independent verification of these projects. It was emphasized that endogenous capacity building and technology transfer to host countries are helpful for the preparation and implementation of AIJ projects. The participants also recognized that, to promote AIJ projects, better understanding among the relevant government agencies and awareness at both public and private sectors would be a key element.

The participants appreciated the initiative of the Government of Japan to host the Third Conference of the Parties of UNFCCC. They also welcomed the offer of the Yamanashi Prefectural Government of Japan to host the Seventh Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change sometime in the northern summer of 1997 in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Suva, 8 November, 1996

Tuiloma Neroni Slade
the Sixth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations
Vice-chairman of AOSIS