G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000
Outline of G8 Environment Ministers' Meeting in 2000

Minister of the Environment

351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3

David Anderson was born in Victoria, British Columbia. He attended both Victoria High School and Victoria College. At the University of British Columbia, he studied economics and law, and was a member of the Rome Olympic and the Chicago Pan-American Games silver-medal rowing crews.

After graduation, he studied for two years at the Institute for Oriental Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He also spent six years with the Department of External Affairs, serving in Indochina, Hong Kong and Ottawa.

From 1968 to 1972, during his time as MP for Esquimalt-Saanich, Mr. Anderson founded and chaired the Special Committee on Environmental Pollution. In 1972, he was elected leader of the Liberal Party of British Columbia, and was elected MLA for Victoria in August of that year.

From 1975 to 1978, Mr. Anderson was counsel to the British Columbia Wildlife Federation and a consultant for Environment Canada. Later, he taught law at the University of Victoria's School of Public Administration. Between 1984 and 1989, he served as member of the Immigration Appeal Board. From 1989 until his election in 1993, he returned to environmental consulting.

In 1989, Mr. Anderson was appointed Special Advisor to the Premier of British Columbia on Tanker Traffic. In 1990, he served as the sole commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry into Fraser Valley Petroleum Exploration.

Mr. Anderson was elected Liberal MP for Victoria in the 1993 federal election and served as Minister of National Revenue from November 1993 to January 1996. As Minister, he streamlined border operations and increased enforcement on international smuggling.

In January 1996 he was appointed Minister of Transport where he developed links between transportation and tourism and assisted in the restructuring of Canadian Airlines.

Mr. Anderson was re-elected as MP for Victoria in June 1997 and was immediately appointed Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. Since his appointment, Mr. Anderson has been recognized internationally for his efforts on behalf of salmon conservation, established Canada's first Marine Protected Areas and initiated efforts to improve boating safety.

Mr. Anderson has served as Senior British Columbia Minister in the federal government. On August 3rd, 1999, Mr. Anderson was appointed Minister of the Environment.

Mr. Anderson and his wife Sandra have two children: James and Zoe.


H.E. Ms.Dominique VOYNET
Minister for the Environment

20, avenue de Segur
75302 Paris 07 SP


- Docteur en médecine; Certificat d'anesthésie-réanimation.

Carriere politique et professionnelle

- 1985-1989: Médecin anesthésiste-réanimatrice à l'hôpital public de Dole;
- 1989: élue député au Parlement européen;
- 1989-: Conseillère municipale de Dole;
- 1990-1991: Secrétaire générale du groupe des Verts au Parlement européen;
- 1992-1994: Conseillère régionale de Franche-Comté;
- 1992-: Porte parole nationale des Verts;
- 4 juin 1997: nommée Ministre de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Environnement.


H.E. Mr.Jürgen TRITTIN
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety

Alexanderplatz 6, 10178 Berlin


Born on 25th June 1954 in Bremen
Single, one daughter
1973 University entrance examination; University diploma in Social Economy; journalist
1982 - 1984 Business manager, Alternative-Greens-Initiative List (AGIL) group, Göttingen City Council
1984 - 1985 Press spokesman, Greens group, Lower Saxony Landtag (state assembly) 1985 - 1990 Member of Lower Saxony Landtag
1985 - 1986 & 1988 - 1990 Chairman, Greens Landtag group
1990 - 1994 Lower Saxony Minister for Federal and European Affairs Head of the Lower Saxony state mission to federal institutions in Bonn
1994 - 1995 Member of the Lower Saxony Landtag, Deputy Chairman of the Alliance 90/The Greens Group in the Landtag
1994 - 1998 Spokesman of the party's Federal Executive
Since 1998 Member of the Deutscher Bundestag
Since october
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety


Minister for the Environment

Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44
00144 Roma


Nato a Treviglio (BG) il 31 maggio 1950. Coniugato con tre figli. Laureato in sociologia. Sociologo Ricercatore.

Impegnato nel movimento ambientalista e antinucleare dall'inizio degli anni '80, nel 1988 ha contribuito alla nascita dei Verdi Arcobaleno, dei quali viene eletto portavoce nazionale insieme a Francesco Rutelli. Ha mantenuto l'incarico fino all'unificazione con le liste Verdi e la nascita della Federazione nazionale, avvenuta nel 1991.

Nel 1989 è eletto Deputato al Parlamento Europeo (Circoscrizione Nord Ovest) dal quale si dimette dopo un mese, impegnandosi nel processo di unificazione dei Verdi. Primo firmatario e promotore dei referendum antinucleari, dal 1983 fa parte della lega per l' Ambiente e dal 1989 del Direttivo nazionale. E' membro del Consiglio federale del Movimento dei Verdi.

Nel 1995 ha fatto parte, con Walter Veltroni, Leopoldo Elia e Mario Segni, del cosidetto "tavolo per le regole". Ha contribuito alla elaborazione del programma dell'Ulivo per quanto riguarda i problemi ambientali. Coordinatore del programma dei Verdi ed estensore del volume "La Via verde", progetti e programma d'azione dei Verdi italiani. Edizioni Passigli, 1995.

Nella XI legislatura ha fatto parte della Commissione ambiente, territorio e lavori pubblici ed è stato Vice presidente del gruppo parlamentare dei Verdi.

Nella XII legislatura ha ricoperto gli incarichi di Vice presidente della 13°Commissione permanente - territorio, ambiente e beni ambientali e di Presidente del gruppo parlamentare Progressisti-Verdi-La Rete. Relatore della legge quadro contro l'inquinamento acustico e dell'aggiornamento del programma per Roma Capitale.

Primo firmatario di 5 disegni di legge in materia di istituzione di una Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sul fenomeno della mafia e sulle altre associazioni criminali similari; disciplina della valutazione dell'impatto ambientale; riforma del regime dei suoli e per la procedura di esproprio, disciplina della professione di dottore naturalista; norme per la messa al bando delle mine anti persona. Cofirmatario di 50 disegni di legge, è stato relatore sui seguenti progetti di legge: tutela dell'ambiente dall'inquinamento acustico; disciplina della professione di dottore naturalista, legge quadro in materia di inquinamento acustico; conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 13/96, recante interventi straordinari nelle città di Torino e Firenze per esigenze connesse allo svolgimento della Conferenza intergovernativa dei Paesi dell'Unione Europea e del Consiglio Europeo.

Nella XIII legislatura è Ministro dell'Ambiente nel Governo Prodi e successivamente confermato nel medesimo incarico nel governo D'Alema. Membro della 6° Commissione permanente- finanze e tesoro (sostituito dal Sen. Rosario Pettinato).


H.E. Ms.Kayoko SHIMIZU
Minister of State, Director-General of
the Environment Agency



Date of Birth: 9 November 1935
Place of Birth: Tokyo
Education: Graduates from Faculty of Medicine (science of nursing), Tokyo University in March 1958
Political Party: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
April 1958 Joins Kanto Teishin Hospital
January 1967
- June 1968
Chief Nurse, Nursing Dept., Kanto Teishin Hospital
- May 1970
Instructor, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
May 1970 Joins the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW)
September 1980
- April 1985
Director, Nursing Div., Medical Affairs Bureau, MHW
July 1989 Elected to the House of Councillors (HOC)
December 1992
- August 1993
Parliamentary Vice-Minister, Ministry of Labor
July 1995 Elected to the HOC (2nd term)
- June 1997
Chair, Committee on Education, Culture and Science, HOC
August 1998
- October1999
Director of the Committee on Health and Welfare, HOC
October 1999 Minister of State, Director-General of the Environment Agency Minister in Charge of Global Environmental Problems


Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection
Born in 1938 in Moscow. Graduated in the Moscow State University from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics. In the period from 1964 up to 1976 he worked at the Central Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences for Economics and Mathematics. In the second half of the 70-s he headed a laboratory at the All-Union Research Institute of Systems Studies.

In the 80-s he established and headed a Chair of Ecology at the Academy for National Economy of the USSR Council of Ministers. In 1977 through 1990 as Professor of the Moscow State University Faculty for Economics he combined scientific work with teaching practices.

In December 1991 he became Minister for Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation. An economic mechanism of nature use and environmental protection is being developed and realized under his leadership. Important ecological programs are prepared and implemented under him, who endeavors to enhance and expand a network of protected areas all over Russia. Starting from August 29, 1996 he rules the State Committee of Russian Federation for Environmental Protection.

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Victor Ivanovich Danilov-Danilian has largely contributed in the development of economy, ecology. He is Academician of both the Russian Academy for Natural Sciences and Ecological Academy, an Acting Member of the International Academy of Sciences. He is an author of 200 scientific publications including a number of school books, monographs. He is also a member of an editing board for several Russian newspaper and magazine publishers.

Married, has three sons and a daughter.


H.E. Mr. John Leslie PRESCOTT
Deputy Prime Minister and
Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions

Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU
United Kingdom


Mr Prescott, the Member of Parliament for Hull East since 1970, was born in 1938. He was educated in Ellesmere Port, and at Ruskin College Oxford, where he gained a diploma in economics and politics. He later gained a BSc (Econ) in economics and economic history at the University of Hull.

Mr Prescott was Parliamentary Private Secretary to Peter Shore, Secretary of State for Trade (1974-76). He was a delegate to the Council of Europe (1973-75). He was leader of the Labour Party delegation to the European Parliament (1976-79). He was the opposition spokesman for transport (1979-81), and on regional affairs and devolution (1981-83). He has.been Shadow secretary for transport (1983-84 and 1988-93), employment (1984-89, 1993-94) and energy 1987-88).

He was elected as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party in 1994, and was appointed to the Privy Council in the same year.

Mr Prescott has published several pamphlets on employment and other issues. He started work in hotel catering, later becoming a merchant seaman, and then an official with the National Union of Seamen. He is married with two sons.


H.E. Mr.Michael MEACHER
Minister of the State,Minister for the Environment, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU
United Kingdom

Michael Meacher is responsible for the environment, countryside, water and for the Health and Safety Commission and Executive. He has been the Member of Parliament for Oldham West since 1970.

He was formerly chief opposition spokesman on environmental protection (from 1996). Before then, he was chief opposition spokesman on employment (1995-96 and 1987-89), transport (1994-95), Citizen's Charter (1993-94), development and co-operation (1992-93), social security (1989-92), and health and social security(1983-87).

He has also been a member of the Treasury Select Committee (1980-83) and a Chairman of its sub-committee. From 1974-75 he was Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Industry, and at the Department of Trade between 1976-79. He was also Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Security between 1975-76.

Mr Meacher was a lecturer in Social Administration, and has published numerous articles and pamphlets on social and economic policy.

Born on 4 November 1939, Mr Meacher was educated at Berkhamstead School, Hertfordshire, and New College Oxford. He is married with two sons and two daughters.


Environmental Protection Agency


401 M Street, S.W.
Washington,DC 20460


Administrator Carol Browner is the longest serving Administrator in the history of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Over the past 6 years, Browner has made it her mission to maintain a healthy environment for America's families while preserving a healthy climate for our nation's economy.

To protect communities from the environmental dangers left by past polluters, Browner has sped up the rehabilitation of the nation's most severe toxic waste sites to a rate 20 percent faster, yet 20 percent less expensive, than previous administrations. As a result, three times as many Superfund cleanups have been completed under Browner's tenure than in the previous 12 years.

She also has led the effort to cleanup and redevelop brownfields -- abandoned, contaminated urban property. To date, the brownfields program has leveraged more than $1 billion in public and private funds for brownfields redevelopment, created thousands of new jobs, and helped hundreds of communities across the nation bring these idle properties back to productive use. Under the President's and Vice President's leadership, Browner took the toughest action in a generation to safeguard public health from threats posed by air pollution.

Following the Vice President's mandate to make the federal government both more efficient and effective, Browner has worked to reinvent environmental protection. To date, her streamlining reforms have eliminated more than 25 million hours of paperwork --the equivalent of returning 635,000 work-weeks back to the private sector. Browner also helped lead the administration's efforts to develop and implement President Clinton's Clean Water Action Plan -- the nation's blueprint for finishing the job of cleaning and restoring all our nation's rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.

From 1991 to 1993, Browner was Secretary of Florida's Department of Environmental Regulation. Earlier, Browner served as legislative director to then-Senator Albert Gore, Jr. and served on the staff of then-Senator Lawton Chiles.


Commissioner for Environment Directorate-General

200 rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200
B-1049 Brussels


Nationality: Swedish
Personal details
Born 28 Sept 1954 Married, two children
1973 Graduated from high school

1974-1977 Ombudsman, Swedish Social Democratic Youth League
1977-1979 Accountant, Alfa Savings Bank, Karlstad
1979-1985 Member of Parliament
1986-1987 Senior Accountant, Alfa Savings bank, Karlstad
1988-1991 Minister of Civil Affairs (Consumer Affairs, Women and Youth)
1993-1994 CEO, TV Varmland (Regional Television Network)
1993- Member of the Executive Committee of the Swedish Social Democratic Party
1994-1996 Minister of Culture
1996-1998 Minister of Social Affairs
1998-1999 Executive Vice-president, Worldview Global Media, Colombo, Sri Lanka
